


(2008-11-04 09:51:41) 下一个

Eric一家都是金发碧眼,今年7月搬进我们在Plano的老房子,到现在4个月多一点儿。正如他的reference 说的,他是个好房客。他按时付租金,并从不为小事麻烦我们。我们每月上门收房租,都和他聊聊,慢慢的也就知道了一些他家里的事。比如最近他太太病了,说是肾上腺癌。她动了手术后,我们带着鲜花去家里看望。我们心里很同情他们。2个孩子6岁和2岁。6岁的女儿生下来就下肢残废,现在他太太又病了。我和老公商量说,如果他的租金迟了,不要难为他们。直到昨天,他告诉了我他的Blog地址,我看了后,真是吃惊啊。他的日子太难了。


As a landlord, 我当然知道Eric的收入。他的gross income $5,500/month。我们的的房租是$1650/month。加上utility, 每月至少2000。他的信用只有460,所以借钱是不大可能的。从他的Blog上我看到:


Normal monthly medical expenses before all of this were $1000 a month. This is co pays for Dr appointments, medication and medical supplies. The new drugs the Dr says I have to start on will be an additional $1400 a month and we have no idea what Triann's - his wife treatment and medication will add to that. That puts med expenses at $2400/mo not including premiums.


+We are supposed to report to MD Anderson in Houston on Monday. I have been living on 6 dollars since last wed and most of the check on Friday will go to rent. I have to pay for gas, food, hotel and Dr bills next week and then hold on until the next check on the 15th.
+ My motorcycle is my main transportation, I had to park it last night until some of this clears up so I can buy a new rear tire. I picked up 5 (5?!?!) nails the first week I moved to Texas and have been watching it and airing it up as needed, yesterday it lost almost all of its air before I made it home.
+ I fired up my snow car (the car I use only for days I can't ride the bike). It has 207,000 miles on it but has always gotten me from here to there when I need it. It was out of gas, I spent the last 6 dollars to get to work this morning.
+ My annual evaluation is due at work. I have to sit down and focus long enough to write out my accomplishments for the year, my career plans, strengths and opportunities and a summary statement. All of this effects raises, promotions and bonus.
+ My wife is sick, my kids are confused, there are different people in my house every week... On and On and On

我打算给他减一点房租($50 to $100/month??)。就他的情形来看,这也是杯水车薪。他的朋友们给建了个捐款的网站,我看了,目前只有几百块而已。我是landlord 新手,大家说说,我还能如何帮他?这是他的Blog,有兴趣的可以看看。http://emsdaddy.blogspot.com/2008/10/waiting.html




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princessannie 回复 悄悄话 why can't he live in an apartment to save some money? if a person cannot even afford gas, they should live in an apartment to be practical, unless there is physical limitation that they have to live in a house which costs 1600 $ a month.