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Champ de Mars 75007 PARIS
Metro : Bir Hakeim
RER : C : Champ de Mars
Bus : 42, 69, 72, 82,87
Open/Closed : Lift: January 1st - June 10th and August 29th - December 31st: 9.30am - 11pm; June 11th - August 28th: 9am-midnight.
Stairs: June 14th - August 31st: 9am - midnight.
Stairs: January 1st - June 10th and August 29th- December 31st: 9.30am - 6pm; June 11th - August 28th: 9am - midnight
Late opening : Late opening until midnight between June 11th and August 28th.
Between January 1st and June 10th and between August 29th and December 31st, late opening until 11pm (using the lift) or 6pm (using the stairs).
Open on those public holidays : Easter, Easter Monday, 1 May, 8 May, Ascension Day, Whitsuntide, Whit Monday, 14 July, 15 August, 1 November, 11 November, 25 December
ndependent tour : Lift:
1st floor: 4.10 Euros;
2nd floor: 7.50 Euros;
3rd floor: 10.70 Euros.
For children 3-11 yrs by lift:
1st floor: 2.30 Euros;
2nd floor: 4.10 Euros;
3rd floor: 5.90 Euros.
By the stairs: 1st and 2nd floors 3.50 Euros ;
-25yrs 3 Euros.
What’s on
The highest rink in Paris
Towering 57 meters over the Champ de Mars, on the first floor platform) this 220² meter ice skating rink is open every day from Dec 7, 2005 to Feb 1, 2006, 9:30 am to 11pm (last entrance at 22:30pm).
Big enough for 100 skaters at the same time, the rink once again offers those visiting the Tower free access and skyline vistas while skating.
Skates are borrowed free of charge at the rink entrance.
埃菲尔铁塔(法语La Tour Eiffel)是一座于1889年建成位于法国巴黎战神广场上的镂空结构铁塔,高320米。埃菲尔铁塔得名于设计它的桥梁工程师居斯塔夫埃菲尔(Gustave Eiffel)。铁塔设计离奇独特,是世界建筑史上的技术杰作,因而成为法国和巴黎的一个重要景点和突出标志
The lines are longer than the Eiffel Tower is tall.
Avoid those lines by climbing the Tower. Usually two Tower legs are for elevator riders and two are for those that want to burn off the breakfast pastries. You can climb to either the first or second level, but to get to the very top, you must catch the elevator from the second level.
The museum and monument pass
Place Charles de Gaulle 75008 PARIS
Metro : Charles de Gaulle Etoile
RER : Charles Gaulle-Etoile
Bus : 22, 30, 31, 52, 73, 92, et Balabus
Open/Closed :
October 1st - March 31st : 10am - 10.30pm.
April 1st - September 30th : 10am- 11pm.
Cash desk closes at : Last admission 30 minutes before the closing of the monument
Late opening : Late opening every evening.
Open on those public holidays : Easter, Easter Monday, 8 May, Ascension Day, Whitsuntide, Whit Monday, 14 July, 15 August, 1 November, 11 November
Viewpoint : View above the Place de l'Etoile - Champs-Elysées - Concorde - Louvre - La Défense.
25december close
4, boulevard du Palais 75001 PARIS
Metro : Cité
RER : Saint-Michel-Notre Dame
Bus : 21, 27, 38, 85, 96 et Balabus
Open/Closed : From 1st March to 30th October : 9.30am - 6pm. From 1st November to 28th February : 9am-5pm.
Cash desk closes at : Last admission 30 minutes before the closing of the monument
Independent tour : 6.10 Euros
4.10 Euros : large families, teachers, 18-25 years old.
Combined tickets : combined ticket : Conciergerie + Sainte Chapelle : 9 Euros. reduced price : 6 Euros. Professionnels et groupes : 6,50 Euros.
1, rue des Prêtres-Saint-Séverin 75005 PARIS
RER : B-D Saint-Michel-Notre Dame
Open/Closed :
Monday to saturday : 11.00am - 7.30pm
On sunday : 9.00am - 8.30pm
Sunday services : 10.00am, 12.00am, 6.00pm, 7.30pm
Open on those public holidays : Easter, Easter Monday, 1 May, 8 May, Ascension Day, Whitsuntide, Whit Monday, 14 July, 15 August, 1 November, 11 November, 25 December
XIIIth and XVth centuries church (superb example of gothic style). In the church tower, the older bell in Paris (XVth century).
Inside: XVIIth century choir, wreathed pillar, XVIIth century paintings, rare stained-glass windows of the XIVth century, stained-glass windows of the XVth and XVIth centuries.
Famous organ concerts.
Architectural styles : Late Gothic
Collection : Stamps, Stained-glass window
15th century, 13th century

Place du Trocadéro 75016 PARIS
Metro : Trocadéro
Partly closed for renovation work until 2003 (French Monuments National Museum). It will house the renovated French Monuments National Museum and the Chaillot School.
Built for the 1937 World Exhibition by the architects Carlu, Boileau and Azema, it houses the Maritime Museum, the Museum of Mankind and the National Chaillot Theatre.

26, rue de Chaillot 31, avenue Marceau 75016 PARIS
Metro : Alma Marceau
Open/Closed :
Monday to saturday : 7.30am - 1.00pm / 3.00pm - 7.00pm
On sunday : 7.30am - 12.00am / 5.00pm - 8.15pm
Sunday services : 8.00am, 10.30am, 11.30am (crypt), 7.00pm (plainsong or service in latin)
Open on those public holidays : Easter, Easter Monday, 1 May, 8 May, Ascension Day, Whitsuntide, Whit Monday, 14 July, 15 August, 1 November, 11 November, 25 December
Very original carved decoration by Henri Brouchard who drew his inspiration from Romanesque tradition. Carved Christ and carved decorations on the façade.
Viewpoint : Panoramic vision above the Eiffel Tower, the Champ de Mars and The Military School.
夏悠宫分为两大部份,右边是歌剧院,左边是海洋博物馆(Musee de la Marine)。德洛卡德洛广场面对夏悠宫的正门,是一个半圆形的广场,广场上有第一次世界大战法国英雄福熙(Foch)的骑马雕像。福熙领导法军从泥泞的战壕里打败德军,但和谈的时候却没有他发言的地方。后来还不幸被他言中,德国又引发了第二次世界大战。
Free : For everyone Saturday and Sunday close
Mairie de Paris Place de l'Hôtel de Ville 75004 PARIS
Metro : Hôtel de Ville
RER : Châtelet
Open/Closed : Regular temporary and free of charge exhibitions on the thema of the city of Paris.
Entrance at 29, rue de Rivoli. Every day except on Sundays and bank holidays.
Architectural styles : Neo renaissance style
Collection : History, Painting, Private reception rooms, Reception halls
19th century
Seat of the Paris City Council. The first municipality was founded in 1246 (Saint-Louis).
Nowadays, the Paris City Hall is located on the site of the former city hall which burnt down in 1871 during the "Commune" of Paris.
Architects : Ballu, Deperthes.

Avenue des Champs-Elysées 75008 PARIS
Metro : Champs Elysées Clémenceau
Bus : 28 - 32 - 42 - 49 - 73 - 80 - 83 - 93
Open/Closed :
Open 24hrs/24hrs
In 1667, the landscape gardner, LE NOTRE, created a walk in an area, previously given over to fields and marsh land, designed to offer the king a fine perspective from the Tuileries. At the time of the Revolution, the guillotine established at place de la Concorde attracted crowds to the Champs-Elysées, so named in 1789. But, at the fall of the Empire, Russian and Prussian troops camped in the gardens and devastated trees and plants. The area regained its prestige in 1830-1840 with a restoration led by Hittorf. He introduced lighting, fountains and various buildings-including the Ledoyen restaurant and the pavillon Laurent- into the gardens. In 1859, Alphand redesigned the gardens in the English style, which is how they remain today. They were, however, reduced in size by the building of the Grand and Petit Palais for the World Fair of 1900.
爱丽舍宫(Le Palais de l'Elysée)坐落在巴黎市中心爱丽舍田园大街北侧,它是一座大石块砌成的二层楼建筑。建于18世纪初,距今已有200多年,它经历了一段曲折的历史。1718年戴佛尔伯爵亨利在巴黎市中心盖起了这座宫殿、取名戴佛尔大厦。主人死后,庞毕度候爵夫人买下了戴佛尔大厦,她死后,大厦转到法国国王路易十五手里。1773年路易十五把宫殿卖给了金融家博让,13年后又被新国王路易十六买下,后来他的侄女波旁公爵夫人成了宫殿的主人,戴佛尔大厦改名为波旁大厦。法国大革命爆发后,这座大厦几经转手,最后改名为爱丽舍宫。18058月,拿破仑的内兄缪拉买下爱丽舍宫。3年后他被封为意大利南部那不勒斯国王,把这座宫殿送给了拿破仑。奥地利战役爆发前,拿破仑和约瑟芬就住在宫内。1815年百日政变中,拿破仑又回到爱丽舍宫;滑铁卢战役失败后,他在宫内宣布等二次退位。1816年路易十八把爱丽舍宫送给他的侄子贝里公爵,就是后来的法王查理十世。

建筑主楼左右对称的两翼是两座平台,中间是庭园,外型朴素庄重。宫殿后部是一座幽静、秀丽的大花园。爱丽舍宫内部,金碧辉煌,每间客厅的面壁都用镀金钿木装饰,墙上悬挂着著名油画或精致挂毯,四周陈设着1718世纪的镀金雕刻家具,厅内陈列着珍贵艺术品以及金光闪烁的座钟和大吊灯,宛如一座博物馆。在爱丽舍宫成为政权中心之前,每个主人都依着自己的喜爱把它打扮一番,庞毕度候爵夫人把它打扮成富奢之宫,波旁公爵夫人把它打扮成田园,商人胡温则把它打扮成夜总会一样,其中最富丽堂皇的「节庆厅」(Salon de Fete)则是第三共和时代好大喜功的总统加诺(Carnot)改建的。墙壁、天花板、地毯、都是丝绒,单是天花板上的十二个水晶大吊灯,就华丽的可以流出油来了。现在总统府就设在这里。二楼是总统办公室和生活区,底层各客厅用作会议厅、会客厅或宴会厅,厅内陈设仍保持古时的模样,迎宾厅在主楼,中央是宫殿入口,总统在这里迎接各国贵宾。法国国家元首有时在节日厅东园举行盛宴欢请外国贵宾。新的国家元首当选后,在节日厅举行就职仪式。每年接受外交使团的新年祝贺也在这里。
L'Opéra de Paris Garnier
Place de l'Opéra 75009 PARIS
Metro : Opéra
RER : A: Auber
Bus : 20, 21, 22, 27, 29, 31, 39, 42, 52, 53, 66, 68, 81
Open/Closed : Closed in the morning for rehearsals and for special events.
10am-4.30pm, and until 5.30pm from July 15th and September 10th.
Independent tour : 6 Euros
3 Euros.
Reduced rate for children under 16, students, retired people, unemployed.
Architectural styles : Napoleon III style
Collection : History, Sculpture, Painting, Decorative Arts
19th century
Reduced rate for children under 16, students, retired people, unemployed.
Masterpiece of theatre architecture of the 19th century, the "Palais Garnier", built by Charles Garnier and inaugurated in 1875 is the thirteen opera house to be found in Paris since the creation of this institution by King Louis XIV in 1669. It's construction was initiated by Napoleon III among important renovation projects
conducted under his control by baron Haussmann. An historical monument open to visitors during the day.
It mainly performs opera and ballet works.
Not to be missed : the famous ceiling of the Opera Room by Chagall.
全名为加尼叶歌剧院(Opera de Garnier),因建筑师加尼叶(Charles Garnier)而命名,是法国皇帝欣赏歌剧的场所,不管内部装饰和外表建筑都极尽华丽之能事。拿破仑三世下令建造这座歌剧院时,当时没没无闻的35岁建筑师加尼叶赢得工程,大量运用大理石和青铜等材料,耗时15年在1875年完成这个艺术建筑。拿破仑第三在1874年打算建歌剧院时,就选在这个现址上,因为这一带原就是戏剧中心,但他主要的目的还是想赶走附近一些破烂的建筑。歌剧院的大铜顶有千吨重,拱门守着入口,煞是气派,一入内所见的玄厅,有许多大音乐家的石雕像,雕塑之细致、雕塑之传神,犹如大师再生。里面的装潢更是红沙发、红布幔、红丝绒壁纸的水晶大吊灯,重要的是它演出的品质也与装潢同样高水准。

与「City5」近在咫尺的三合一教堂(Eglise Ste Trinite)远看很美,是巴洛克式的,可惜的是,教堂门外有狗尿、人尿味充斥,那股异味叫人退避三舍。
Place de la Bastille 75012 PARIS
Metro : Bastille
RER : Gare de Lyon
Bus : 20, 29, 65, 69, 76, 86, 87, 91
Open/Closed : Informations and reservation : 00 33836697868 (2.23 per minute).
Also closed during rehearsals in the morning and on special events.
Guided visit only : 10am, 1pm, 5.30pm, and by appointment.
Saturday close
Open on those public holidays : Easter, Easter Monday, 8 May, Ascension Day, Whitsuntide, Whit Monday, 15 August, 1 November, 11 November
Guided tour : Call the Opera to get the timetable of the visits. Tickets on sale 30 mn before the visit.
8 Euros.
Reduced rate for children under 16, students, retired, unemployed.
-26 yrs : 5 Euros.
10 Euros
The Bastille Opera, built by Carlos Ott and inaugurated in 1989, presents a mirror-glass architecture. The same materials were used inside and outside.
Aside the visit of the public areas, you can also discover the main room and the backstage.
原址介于里昂路(Rue de Lyon)与夏朗唐路(Rue de Charenton)之间的万森旧车站,1985年在前法国总统密特郎(Francois Mitterrand)的主张下拆除,让出这片广大土地由建筑师卡洛斯欧特(Carlos Ott)设计,在这极富历史意义的巴士底广场(Place de la Bastille)上,建造一所属于大众通俗的新型歌剧院,并特地选在法国国庆200周年,也就是1989714日当天正式开幕。
这个由卡洛斯欧特(Carlos Ott)设计的新歌剧院新潮而不失庄重,地上8层地下层,外表由镜子般的玻璃帏幕所构成,大理石柱廊是深黑灰色的。
为了与古典的巴黎加尼耶歌剧院(L'Opera de Paris-Palais Garnier)区分并意谓其取代作用,除了造型上突显的现代几何圆柱形之外,以金属及大型透明窗户合成的外观则有连接里外空间的作用,剧院大厅可容纳2,700位观众,而多重功能性的舞台设施是它傲人之处。不过起初它的命运亦难逃像其他前卫建筑物所遭受到的评击,都是要等到最后完工起用数年之后,得到人们实质的印证,大家才不得不赞叹它的壮丽美观与实用价值。
Independent tour : Free
Champs-Elysées/Musée du Louvre (PARIS 08)
Place de la Madeleine 14, rue de Surène 75008 PARIS
Metro : Madeleine
RER : Auber
Bus : 24, 42, 43, 52, 84, 94
Open/Closed :
Viewpoint : View upon from the Madeleine Church to the Palais Bourbon.
Architectural styles : Neoclassica
Collection : History, Sculpture, Painting, Decorative Arts, Mosaics, Organ 19th century
The Madeleine Church was at the beginning of the XIXth century and dedicated to Napoleon's Grande Armée. Its architecture was inspired by antique temples and the church was adorned with Corinthian pillars.
It's used for the church service since 1842.
玛德莲教堂(La Madeleine)位于巴黎8条主要大道交会处的玛德莲广场(Place de la Madeleine),加上巨大庄严的外观,成为巴黎最知名的建筑代表之一。玛德莲教堂建于1764年,但它好像没有真正完工过,一直到今天还在修。回溯历史,路易十五五岁一登基就生大病,痊愈后就决定建教堂谢神,1764年定基后,换了数位建筑师,直到拿破仑为夸耀法国陆军的荣耀,在1824年才终于完成了教堂。教堂建筑设计有希腊神殿风格,充满庄严、肃穆的气氛,教堂唯一的光线来源是来自3个小圆顶的自然采光,让内部精致、镀金的细腻装饰在灰矇中更添美感。
教堂祭台后方的玛利亚升天像,是玛德莲教堂的参观重点,铜门上圣经十诫的浮雕,和教堂内大理石与镀金雕饰和雕像也都不容错过。从教堂朝向皇家路(Rue Royale)方向,协和广场、塞纳河及对岸的国会大厦一览无遗,是欣赏巴黎街景设计的焦点之一。
free Monday close,25 December open
1, place de la Concorde 75008 PARIS
Metro : Concorde
Bus : 24, 42, 52, 72, 73, 84, 94
Architectural styles : Second empire style
Collection : Photography, 19th century
Garden : The Galerie Nationale du Jeu de Paume is situated in the Tuileries Garden.
协和广场(Place de la Concorde),法国巴黎市中心的一个大广场,面积约8.4万平方米。
Museum & Monuments pass
Marais/Les Halles (PARIS 01)
1, quai de l'Horloge 75001 PARIS
Metro : Cité
RER : Saint-Michel Notre Dame
Bus : 21, 24, 27, 38, 58, 81, 85, Balabus
Open/Closed :
.From 1st March to 30th October : 9.30am - 6pm. From 1st November to 28th February : 9am-5pm.
Architectural styles : Gothic
Collection : History, Textiles, Architecture, Documents, Technology
14th century
This important vestige of the Capetian Palace is a remarkable testimony of the civil architecture of the 14th century : the Guard room and the kitchens.
The lower part of the Palace was mainly turned into a jail during the 15th century ; you may visit the dungeons (in particular Queen Marie-Antoinette's) and also discover memories of the French Revolution.
The Place des Vosges
Metro line 1, 5 or 8 : Bastille,
St-Paul or Breguet Sabin
10 am - 5.40 pm
Closed on mondays and bank holidays
Henry IV developped this marshy land on the right bank opposite the Ile Saint Louis, into what is known today as the Place des Vosges. Parcelled out under Louis Xlll, he had a fine square built here. Undertaken Henry IV ordered this square designed after Catherine de Médicis vision combining cut stones. In 1612, it was officially inaugurated for the wedding of Louis XIII and Anne of Austria. Covered by a steep roof pierced by dormer windows, the center of the southern façade stood the King's House facing and the Queen's on the northern side.
A number of other popular faces lived on Place des Vosges, notably Richelieu, Madame de Sévigné, Bossuet (Nr. 17), Alphonse Daudet, who was in Nr. 21, two-storey after, the nephews of Richelieu lived there. Victor Hugo had his apartments in house Nr. 6 from 1832 to 1848. The city of Paris eventually bought his house and turned it into the Musée Victor Hugo of which can be visited. Hugo wrote a large part of Les Misérables here. It is also there that Victor Hugo was named a member of the Academie Française, and was elected deputy and became a peer. He received many visitors such as famous writers Merimée, Dumas, Balzac, Lamartine, and many more.
Many Parisians consider Place des Vosges as one of the most beautiful plazas in the city. In the center of the Place, there is a statue of Louis XIII which dates back to 1825. This replaces the original that was a reminder of the anti-aristocratic fury of the revolution. At the Place des Vosges, you will find many shops, cafés and restaurants. And for the window shoppers, don't forget to take a look at the fine antique stores, and the book and record shops. Ever since it was thoroughly renovated, with restaurants in all categories offering lunch and dinner or simply drinks. Window shoppers will find the antique stores, the book and record shops, or the boutiques nested in the arcade to be most inviting. Weather permitting, one can take a nap in the public gardens.
Some of the pavillions may be visited :
* Le Pavillon du Roi
* L'Hôtel de Chaulnes
* Le Palais Mexaris
* L'Hôtel de Rohan-Guéméné in which sits Victor-Hugo's museum.
此座廣場是法王亨利四世, 1612年被暗殺之前所建, 原先命名?”皇家廣場”, 之後在拿破侖時期, ?了表揚浮日地區人民繳稅的實績而改名?”浮日廣場. 以其特殊建築風格 (周圍由36棟原始建築組合而成, 圍繞著四方形大院子)和在中庭公園矗立之路易十三騎馬銅像著稱.

(La Sorbonne)
景点地址: Rue de la Sorbonne
如何到达: 地铁:在Cluny-La Sorbonne站下车

开放时间: 每日8:00-2200
法国最着名的大学之一,也是欧洲最古老的学校之一,索邦大学当初是一位名叫Robert de Sorbon的神父,于1255年在路易九世支持下,买下这个建筑物,而于1258年为16个学生教授神学,后来成为神学研究中心,而为索邦大学的前身。来到这里,不妨进入索邦大学中庭,瞻仰一下法国知识殿堂的气氛,从索邦教堂(Eglise de la Sorbonne)旁的索邦广场上,找一家咖啡店坐下来,看着往来的学生行人,也可以感受拉丁区气氛!

Ile Saint-Louis
島上以鄉村式寧靜、華麗的樓宇(建於16271664 年)及古雅的商店著名,深受巴黎人喜愛。
The museum and monument pass
6, place du Parvis Notre-Dame 75004 PARIS
Metro : Cité
RER : B, C : Saint-Michel Notre-Dame
RER : Châtelet-Les Halles, Saint-Mic
Bus : 21, 24, 27, 38, 47, 85, 96
Open/Closed : No visit during the religious service.
The access to the cathedral is not allowed 15 minutes after the start Sunday masses at 8am, 8.45am, 10am, 11.30am, 12.45pm and 6.30pm, and, during the week, after the start of the masses at 8am, 9am, midday an 6.15pm. The treasure-house is open from Monday to Saturday between 9.30am-11.30am and 1pm-5.30pm.
Open on those public holidays : Easter, Easter Monday, 1 May, 8 May, Ascension Day, Whitsuntide, Whit Monday, 14 July, 15 August, 1 November, 11 November, 25 December
During the visit, one can understand the Christian meaning of the architecture and of the artistic works in an ancient monument that has a religious call.
Wednesday at 12 o'clock
Thursday at 12 o'clock
Saturday at 2.30 p.m.
Saturday evening
6:30 (cantor)
8:30 am
10:00 am (gregorian chant)
11:30 am (choir)
12:45 am (cantor)
6:30 pm (choir)
8:00, 9:00, 12:00 am
6:15 pm (cantor)
Parvis du Sacré Coeur 75018 PARIS
Metro : Anvers
Bus : 30, 31, 54, 80, 85, Montmartrobus
Open/Closed : Access to the dome by using the crypt - Overview onto Paris.
Crypt : tombs of cardinals and of the archbishops of Paris who originated the building of the basilica.
Basilica : 6am - 10.30pm.
Dome and crypt : 9am-5.45pm.

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