

(2017-06-09 20:29:48) 下一个


以前写的一篇没了,只好再写一篇,因为又有一个车库门弹簧断了。以前换的那个,车库天花板很低,开门器是我把天花板割开一呎宽数呎长埋进去装的。结果换弹簧时上面winding bar顶到天花板,下面的被门的strut挡住插不进去,把车库门最上面那片拆了才换好;现在看来拆strut兴许也行。如何测量:http://ddmgaragedoors.com/diy-instructions/how-to-measure-torsion-springs.php  需要在非张紧态下量钢丝直径(=长度/圈数),弹簧内径,长度和左右方向。方向可用左右手判断如下图为右向,其中大拇指埋入代替轴。有的还需注意特殊尾端形状。

正常情况下,在车库外面向车库时,左右侧弹簧是left/right wind,且右侧漆红。测得Fremont为常态左右绕向,右侧断了为共120圈,内径1-3/4吋,长约28-3/4吋,张紧后长31-1/8吋;左侧没断张紧后有142圈长34-3/4吋。由28.75/120~=0.24吋钢丝,张紧伸长对7呎高门为(丝径*8)+1/4=2-1/4吋,28.75+2.25=31与量得31-1/8相近。若换两根可取平均长度(31+34.75)/2-2.25~=31吋,也可取标准32吋。

网购:https://www.365garagedoorparts.net Amazon国产品价低,实际买的这个带winding bar,质量与美公司网上卖的一样。

如何换:http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/Texas/31507023.html  油管搜garage door torsion spring replacement。工具包括1/2" winding bar、夹钳各2个,扳手等。断电、松开电动机构(有拉绳)并用夹钳在门侧轨上防止门上移超过4吋;卸装弹簧都需winding bar交替抵在门上每次松开1/4圈;亦须卸掉两侧滑轮,注意先标记带轮轴向位置、钢绳是垂于轮子外侧还是内测;两弹簧中间是黑胶或滚珠轴承可考虑换;装上弹簧和滑轮钢丝后,滑轮和弹簧螺栓都是手紧再1/2~3/4圈,先按标记固定滑轮螺栓;再将弹簧用winding bar每次1/4圈张紧,7呎门弹簧张紧31次(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTpNET1VbJE ),以门不上移且两侧接地为度,之前可喷白漆以便计数;松开门侧夹钳,手动开关门,开门少许或全开都能自停。最后加电测试。

实践小结:先松没断的弹簧,用winding bar下置挡在车门上。发现所有的固定螺栓都把主轴管压变形了,要榔头把弹簧/带轮敲下来,然后敲击轴管两螺丝压痕的中间让管子复原一些,不然弹簧通不过去。我喷的漆由于事后喷WD40使轴管润滑都看不见了,带轮按原有螺丝压痕固定。绕好钢丝,用卡钳固定轴管使得张紧弹簧时轴管不转,不然钢丝会松。没有预松电动机构,弹簧预紧31次,是手往上举winding bar。结果松开电动机构后门大力上开!因此用卡夹限定上移几寸很有必要,松开卡钳时注意上弹。


2. Hinge

垂直分为四片的铁门由上至下的Hinge号码分别是#3/#2/#1,因滑道不是垂直的。断裂的Hinge直接拧螺丝更换。租客换的似乎不对,门变形手动很难开关电动更没戏。找人装2个struts价格350: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1BBNQufXCw。注意:加厚更重弹簧要重调上紧。https://www.menards.com/main/doors-windows-millwork/garage-doors-garage-door-openers/garage-door-parts-accessories/ideal-door-reg-2-x-16-ft-steel-horizontal-garage-door-support-strut/p-1444433865176.htm 本地店找到了:(408) 676-9201
750 Camden Ave., Unit-C, Campbell, CA 95008 两根50刀。需7/16" SelfTapping screws. Hinge至少要14gauge的1.98mm,#11的更好3.175mm。

这就是以前换的那个,车库天花板很低,开门器是我把天花板割开14.5吋宽8呎多长埋进去装的。没有锯2x4因此装的偏了几吋,门被拉变形了。现在看来拉力臂还是要装在正中,正中的ceiling joist 2x4锯断后,少了一根而且两侧加固较麻烦,因为要20呎的料还要人爬进去装。不如把锯断的2x4横搭在开口处与原有间隔16吋的2x4的正交固定,还可以在两侧ceiling joist上加木板固定在roof rafter上。通常,开门机轨道端头装在弹簧上方可以高些,然后开门在门上垫2x4放置电机轨道,如此有1.5吋间隙。光电头居地不超过6吋,对准时接收端绿灯会亮,黄灯是发送端电源。

3. Genie

Wireless keypad programming: https://www.geniedoor.com/support/programming-instructions/outside-keypad-programming/

To Reset the Intellicode Wireless Keypad

  1. Open cover half way.
  2. Press and hold “PROG” and “8” while fully opening cover. Indicator light will blink once and go out.
  3. Close cover fully.

To Program the Intellicode Wireless Keypad

  1. Open cover fully by sliding keypad cover up until it latches.
  2. Press 3-5-7.
  3. Press “PROG”. (red light blinks)
  4. Enter your Personal Identification Number (PIN).
  5. Press “PROG”. (red light blinks fast)
  6. Close cover fully.
  7. Proceed to Part 2 below.

note: if red indicator light does not blink, it is not taking the programming steps. Check the 9 volt battery under the keypad numbers. To access, press inward, under the number pad lip while sliding downward to expose the battery.

Part 2:

Gently press and release the Receiver Learn Code button on the Power Head Receiver of your Genie Garage Door Opener (Genie motor on the ceiling). This small black button is located behind the light lens at the motor head and is nearest the floppy 6 inch antenna wire that protrudes from the power head. When pressed, a radio signal indicator will start blinking red for 30 seconds.

  1. Enter your PIN number after pressing the Learn Code button described above, while the motor head indicator light is blinking.
  2. Press “SEND” 2 times for your system to grab your frequency and code it in.
  3. Press “SEND” once to test system and start your door moving.

Adding Pin2:

  1. Open cover fully.
  2. Enter 1-5-9.
  3. Press PROG.           
  4. Enter second PIN
  5. Press PROG.
  6. Close covery fully.

Change Pin:

  1. Open cover fully.
  2. Enter PIN to be changed
  3. Press PROG.           
  4. Enter new PIN
  5. Press PROG.
  6. Close covery fully.

Adding Temperay PIN:

  1. Open cover fully.
  2. Enter PIN1
  3. Press PROG two times           
  4. Enter temperary  PIN       #it remains active until next time PIN1 entered
  5. Press PROG.
  6. Close covery fully.
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