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1. Proform Crosswalk 397
两年多的proform 397(831.24843.4),说明书是395(831.24833.0),皮带偏左且左端隆起。https://www.treadmilldoctor.com/proform-crosswalk-397-walking-belt-model-248430
397与395的差别,前者面板键圆角,QuickSpeed档位1-2-4-6-8-10;后者方角,2-4-6-8-10;跑带分别为248430/248330。395的surge protector在397中去掉一半,拆马达盖板的步骤也去掉了,如下图左。跑带张紧不能过度,如下图右。
1. 跑带偏向一侧:在低速下调整后部螺栓。往左边偏的话,左边紧1/4圈右边送1/4圈。
2. 跑带打滑或太松:低速时上去会停。两边同时张紧1/4圈,直至问题解决。正常时,停机用手可掀起跑带中部3吋。
3. 跑带的润滑:每50公里可在停机后,掀起跑带,在下面两侧各上10ml硅油,即跑带专用耐高温油,开机转两分钟。美国跑带内部含油不需润滑。注意跑带正面需有摩擦,反面需减少摩擦。正面用抹布擦净即可。
change roller sleeve: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DelBSpa3rWw
2. NordicTrack Treadmill 2200R(NTL15950)
manual: https://www.manualslib.com/download/112732/Nordictrack-2200-R-Ntl1595-1.html
一是要加surge pretector但不能用GFCI,必须要地线;二是电源先开再放安全钥匙按Start,不然不转,电源开关可能因过载而跳起;三是控制台不正常时可能是测速干簧管的问题,说明书中有调整方法;四是跑带的张紧以中部两侧都能掀起3-4吋为度;五是跑带往左/右偏移,顺/逆时钟调左侧内六角半圈;六跑带打滑,顺时种调两侧内六角1/4圈。
跑步机通常是直流电以以便调速。桥整电路中串入可控硅触发调相电路。电机如果有4线的话,其中两线是火线入和经温控切断开关的火线出。两个干簧管,一是电机转速传感另一是钥匙。网上该机电机板没有变压器,看来是可控硅的。电机286633 2.25HP130VDC(或NTL15951) 300刀以上,坡度电机209758停产。
belt runs for just one second:“To fix E7 error you have to put the safety key in,start it and wait for it to say E7. Now press stop and incline (up) together and hold for 20 seconds. Your treadmill will start to incline up. Take out your safety key. You just restarted your treadmill and can now put the safety key back and your problem will be fixed. I know that each error message means something different for example E7 is an incline error and to solve mine I did the above. However, this might be helpful for other errors since you're restarting your treadmill. You can download a pdf of treadmill troubleshoots off the internet and it will show you the meaning of your errors. Hopefully this helps :) ”
Remove the console from the treadmill and remove the back
remove and reattach the ribbon cables that run from the keypads to the control board (they are flat plastic strips that push into the board).
remove and reattach all the connections on the console
reattach the console and calibrate by doing the following:
1. With the key off press the speed + and stop buttons at the same time and hold
2. place the key on and release the buttons
3. press the stop key once
4. press the speed up til it reaches 85
5. if your max speed is 10 mph then it should read about 9.8-10.2
If the keys will not work then the console is bad and would need replaced. You have to buy the whole console because the manufacturer does not sell just the touchpad overlay assembly.
PCB上有两个7805、一个LM317。一个TIP32C(PNP 4A)烧掉了,换成TIP42C(6A)并加铝片散热,修复。
3. Proform 520i
卸后侧中部螺丝,再将控制台前翻,松开底部4螺丝,地上铺白布,机器复原可取下电机盖板。按此视频张紧:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0-d50K2Sls#t=5m48s 实际发现上面螺栓无法上紧因U件会变形。motor belt 186689
manual: https://data2.manualslib.com/pdf3/58/5711/571059-proform/520i.pdf