

(严肃的搞笑版)--- 我是 “希拉里派来的”----请假条----暂别网友!

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(严肃的搞笑版)--- 我是 “希拉里派来的”





鉴于2008 美国总统大选还有一个多月就要开始了。在我无比尊敬的希拉里参议员动之以情,晓之以理的强烈建议下,我现在又要开始为民主党的候选人奥巴马同志助选了,同时还要兼顾为我们尊重的父母官国会议员蓝普森助选。我在博客圈子逍遥的日子暂时要告一段落。


2008年是中国的灾难之年,冰灾,藏独,列车相撞,汶川地震,到毒奶粉,灾害连连, 中国人民怨声载道,食品恐慌。但中国人民有着坚韧的精神,在共产党的英明领导下,克服困难,战胜灾害,并在危难中胜利举办了举世瞩目的奥运会,为我人民增光,令世界华裔扬眉吐气。













www.aaflc.com (为国会议员蓝普森助选,美国第一家中文助选网站,俺自己设计的)

www.aafhc.org (为希拉里总统候选人助选的中文网站,独此一家)





(附希拉里同志的征召信原件: 圈子如有美籍华裔,请积极参与成为“希拉里派来的”人)


Hillary Sent Me!

Dear Ling,

I got my start in politics the old-fashioned way, knocking on doors 35 years ago in Texas and talking to people about a candidate I believed in.

And I will never forget the people in my campaign who got on a plane, hopped in a car or got on a campaign bus so they could knock on doors and talk to voters, and ask them for their vote. It was a special thing you did for me and it made an incredible difference.

I know you all worked your hearts out and now I am asking you to do that once again to help elect Barack Obama, Joe Biden and to expand our Democratic majorities. That is why at HillPAC we are launching Hillary Sent Me! -- a grassroots program for you where you can hit the road each weekend to knock on doors and talk to voters.

Tell them Hillary sent you and let everyone know we need change and that change begins by electing Barack Obama President and creating a filibuster-proof majority in Congress. As we read the headlines about our troubled economy, the stakes of this election only get higher and that is why we don't have a minute to lose.

I want as many of my strong supporters as we can send out going to battleground states and urging voters to choose Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Democratic majorities in Congress this November.

Sign up today to join our "Hillary Sent Me!" program to reach out to voters in battleground states.

I don't have to tell you what's at stake, because you've been involved in this fight from the very beginning. Now is the time for us to put everything we can into winning. We can't let John McCain keep us moving down the path that George W. Bush has set.

America is depending on us, on our leadership. Every door we knock on, every voter we speak to, can make the difference in this election.

So let's hit the road and talk to every voter we can between now and November 4.

Sign up now and help deliver a big victory for Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Democrats on November 4.

Throughout the campaign, I depended on your support time and again. Now America is counting on you to keep working, to keep fighting.

Everything we believe in is at stake in this race. I want to thank you for all your hard work. And when you knock on those doors, you can tell them that Hillary sent you.





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