


(2008-08-07 07:05:06) 下一个



(2008 年 8 月 6 日 )

2008 年 8 月 8 日,北京奥运会还有一天就要开始了。我尽量平抑着那许多人已无法按奈的激动,等待着那一刻的到来,然后,让情感尽情的宣泄,就如七年前中国获得奥运主办权之日一样。

那是 2001 年 7 月 13 日。我正在攻读攻读工商管理硕士学位。过着两点一线枯燥的学生生活。唯一的消遣便是上新浪网冲浪。网上充满了中国申奥的消息。虽然我在国内大学期间也是个系里的运动员,但以为中国申奥成功的可能不大,且觉得太遥远,再加上学业很重,对申奥之事一直没有太专注。

直至七月十三日临晨,我开始无缘由地躁动不安,一种莫名的兴奋感鬼使神差地促使我急忙打开电脑,冲到新浪网,密切关注着申奥的最后时刻,我也把我的美国先生罗杰早早叫醒,等着我的消息。我坐立不安地在各个房间里窜来窜去,等回到电脑前时,“中国申奥成功! ” 的消息突然出现在新浪网的首页头条,我的心一阵狂跳,眼泪突然夺眶而出 , 继而泪流满面。一种自豪感在心中油然而生,中国,我的祖国,赢了!我泪雨滂沱地把罗杰赶忙拽到电脑前面,哽咽着替他翻译了这则滚动消息。罗杰的眼睛竟然也红了,他竟然和我一样热泪盈眶,我们相拥而泣,为中国赢得主办奥运会这个光荣的机会而感动,而自豪。罗杰立即坐下来,啪嗒啪嗒地双手在键盘上挥舞着,不一会的功夫,就写下了一篇“民族的骄傲”的文章。我们因为当时生活在俄勒岗,没有多少中国人,无法与更多的华裔一起分享这份喜悦,也不知道如何投稿给国内的媒体。于是,我们把罗杰的稿子发给了 “ 俄勒冈人报 ” ( 全州发行 ) 并在第二天就获得发表。

2002 年我硕士毕业后与先生一起搬到了德州休斯顿。现在,七年过去了,奥运会就要开幕了。世界各地的华裔欢欣鼓舞,祖国人民更是万众一心。我和我的先生期待着我们七年前的良好祝愿在 8 月 8 日 8 点开花结果。更祝愿我的祖国在这次奥运会上显示我们的国力,我们的人民显示良好的素质,向世界各国人民证明中国是一个繁荣昌盛的礼仪之邦!

以下是我先生 2001 年申奥成功日撰写(我翻译)的文章:


罗杰 . 思奈德 ( 2001 年 7 月 13 日)

国际奥委会投票授予中国为 2008 年奥运会主办国在世界各地激起了各种情绪,正面的和负面的。奥运会的政治性是不能消除的。然而,很少有人能像我一样有幸看到这对中国人民意味着什么。我的妻子,一个美国永久居民,一个虔诚的资本主义者,在北京被宣布为 2008 奥林匹克运动会主办单位时,含泪显示了她对自己祖国的自豪。


我为我的妻子而骄傲和幸福 , 为中国人民(在中国和世界各地)以他们作为世界体育界的成员之一得到验证而自豪和幸福。奥运会就是竞赛,是运动员在竞赛规则下显示其竞技实力的机会。

那些嘲笑中国政策的反对派们,难道美国就不该被嘲讽吗? 我们也对犯人执行死刑。在宗教领域,你又认为世界其余地区如何看待我们的“瓦科事件”?作为美国人,我们在过去十年中,消费了很多在中国制造的产品,利用那里低廉的劳动力成本(有人称为便宜)并享受它对这里的价格所起的稳定作用。所以,如果中国能够提供你所穿的鞋子, 制造你倾听的音响,我就很肯定他们应该有权利主办奥运会。



(注:我是美国俄勒冈州坡特兰人,自从 1965 年起就居住在此地,期间短暂居住加州。我曾经是 1976 年州垒球冠军队本森高中队的队员,被评为 1978 “全投手”称号。我此前多年被 “俄勒冈人报体育栏目的尼克博特冉,迪崴特杰尼斯采访。)



By Roger. D. Snyder ( July 13th, 2001 )

The vote of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to award the 2008 games to China has stirred feelings, positive and negative, throughout the world. The politics of the games can not be dismissed. However, few people have the vantage that I have had to see what it means to the people of China. My wife, a permanent resident of the United States and a devout capitalist, tearfully showed her pride to her countrymen at the announcement that Beijing would host the 2008 Olympic Games.

Isn’t this what the “sportsmanship” of the games is really about? I think so. As a former athlete, I can attest that the athlete has little concern for the “body politik” but rather prefers and excels at the prospect of athletic competition.

I am full of pride and happiness for my wife, the Chinese people (in China and around the world) for their validation as a member of the world sports community. The “Games” are about competition, and are meant to be a show of athletic prowess, where competition rules.

To the naysayers who deride China for it’s policies, can’t the USA also be derided? We execute people, too. And in the realm of religious persecution how do you think we looked to the rest of the world regarding the “Waco” incident? As Americans we consume many goods produced in China, taking advantage of low labor cost (some would say cheap) and the stabilizing effect it has had on prices here the last decade. So, if China is good enough to provide the sports shoes you wear, build the stereo you listen to, I’m quite sure they deserve to have the RIGHT to host an Olympic Games.

I think politics is best left to the politicians, and sports be left to the athletes.


(Remarks: I am a Portland resident who has resided here since 1965, despite a brief stint in California. I was a member of the Benson High School State Championship Baseball team in 1976, and was voted All-City Pitcher in 1978. I have previously been interview by NICK BERTRAM, DWIGHT JAYNES for your sports section during those years. My email: econbanc@hotmail.com , phone: (503)-750-1315 for verification)

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闲人Filiz 回复 悄悄话 拿个大顶!
丹奇 回复 悄悄话 Thank you all for sharing your thoughts with me!

newcomer66 回复 悄悄话 Thanks for you and your husband. Yes, he is a half-chinese son. Best Wish for Your Family.
No matter how many persons (inculding some chinese) say bad to China, but Fact is Fact: China got the right for Olympic 2008, China had the greatest Olympic opening in history, also, the number that other coutry-leaders attended the opening is the most in Olympic history.
WHY? because China, our motherland, is becoming better and better, stonger and stronger.
A few day ago, I heard from american NPR news, it said India is one of worst countries in Olympic medals. I suddenly felt sad for it. They have same population, they have democratic goverment, why they could not do it? I also know they have a lot of poor people. I hope they better and stronger too.
I am proud for China!
toTheSun 回复 悄悄话 你先生说得好。
鱼鸟相依 回复 悄悄话 Love you and your husband.