

(2008-07-04 13:29:25) 下一个

今年74日是STAMPEDE节开始的第一天,盛大的STAMPEDE PARADE (游行)从上午8点一直持续到12点。游行所经过街道的两旁挤满了兴致勃勃前来观看的卡城人,游行的人和观看的观众互动非常热烈,欢呼声一阵接一阵,此起彼落。那种热情,那种情景往往使人心中有这样的想法: 这个节日是每年一次吗?不会是100年一次吧,否则人们的热情怎么会那么高涨!?

The Calgary Stampede, which bills itself as The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth, is a large, for-profitfestival, exhibition, and rodeo held in Calgary, Alberta for 10 days every summer from early to mid-July. It is one of Canada's largest annual events, and the world's largest outdoor rodeo. It features an internationally recognized rodeo competition, a midway, stage shows, concerts, agricultural competitions, chuckwagon races, First Nations exhibitions, and pancake breakfasts around the city, among other attractions. In 2006, record-breaking attendance at the 10-day rodeo and exhibition totalled 1,262,518. The Stampede Parade which occurs on opening day, is one of the festival's oldest and largest traditions. It is led by the Calgary Stampede Showband and follows a 4.5 km route in downtown Calgary. Attendance at the parade is usually about 350,000. The parade is also televised and has a viewing audience of over 2 million. During Stampede Week, the city is flooded with tourists who join locals in the spirited atmosphere by dressing in western attire. A large number of businesses decorate their stores and offices in western style, usually starting in June and remaining to after the Stampede ends.Beltline District. The park is easily accessed via Calgary Transit's light rail system, the C-Train. Permanent structures at the site include the Pengrowth Saddledome (hockey arena), the Round-Up Centre (a convention and exhibition facility), the Stampede Casino, the grandstand/racetrack, the agriculture building, and a number of smaller buildings. 


: “不就是放几天假,胡吃海塞几天吗,真没劲”。这样的说法非常流行,甚至很时尚。仔细想一想,我们春节的传统比这里的节日不知早多少年;文化性比它们的不知强多少倍。贴春联,放鞭炮,逛庙会,吃传统地道的小吃等这些曾经让人恋恋不舍的事情,不知何时变成了“没劲”的代名词了。为什么?千思不得其解。是我们天生就有喜新厌旧的本能?好象是君不见,国内有多少“二奶”和“二爷”;好象也不是。在台湾和香港“二奶”现象也比较普遍,但他们对春节等传统的节日非常重视。是我们具有勇于革新,打破旧的条条框框的传统?到底是什么,各位朋友HELP ME OUT ON THE ISSUE 
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透视镜 回复 悄悄话 还是很喜欢跟父母兄弟姐妹一起热热闹闹的过春节。
Live2Tell 回复 悄悄话 Mao broke off all the traditions during his revolution and conditioned people from that generation to go against tradition. There is at least one generation with that mentality. they pass that mentality to their younger ones.