
作者的话 受近代乡人马益著先生的《庄农杂字》的启发,我写了这篇《 受近代乡人马益著先生的《庄农杂字》的启发,我写了这篇《保健杂韵》。希望感兴趣的乡亲读了之后,对常见病和多发病多一些了解。 受近代乡人马益著先生的《庄农杂字》的启发,
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范仲淹(989101日-1052619日),字希文,谥文正,亦称范履霜,北宋著名政治家、文学家、军事家、教育家。祖籍邠州(今陕西省彬县),后迁居苏州吴县(今江苏省吴县)。他为政清廉,体恤民情,刚直不阿,力主改革,屡遭奸佞诬谤,数度被贬。他的文学素养很高,著名的《岳阳楼记》中先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐为千古名句。 皇祐四年五月二十日(1052619日)病逝于徐州,终年64岁。是年十二月葬于河南洛阳东南万安山,谥文正,封楚国公、魏国公,有《范文正公集》传世等。






在现在被称为六月节Juneteenth“ 1865619日,联邦士兵抵达德克萨斯州加尔维斯顿,标志内战已经结束,美国废除了奴隶制。虽然亚伯拉罕·林肯总统的《解放宣言》是在两年多前的186311日发布的,619日成为纪念美国奴隶制终结的节日。


Abolition of slavery announced in Texas on “Juneteenth”

Photo Credit: Buyenlarge/Getty Images

In what is now known as Juneteenth, on June 19, 1865, Union soldiers arrive in Galveston, Texas with news that the Civil Waris over and slavery in the United States is abolished. 

A mix of June and 19th, Juneteenth has become a day to commemorate the end of slavery in America. Despite the fact that President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamationwas issued more than two years earlier on January 1, 1863



华裔美国青年Vincent Chin陈果仁被白人无辜殴打致死!


1982619日,27岁的华裔美国人Vincent Chin陈果仁,在底特律被两名失业的白人汽车工人无辜殴打致死。他们误认为陈果仁是日本人,把自己失业的原因归咎于日本汽车的进口;把怨气撒在了无辜的华裔青年陈果仁身上!


白人杀人凶手EbensNitz,在认罪协议中被判过失杀人罪,被判处三年缓刑和3000美元的罚款,不得入狱!这一判决导致了亚裔美国人社区的愤怒和抗议。据《纽约时报》报道,底特律中国福利委员会主席Kin Yee称该判决为“3000美元的杀人许可证,前提是你有一份稳定的工作或学生,并且受害者是中国人


这起事件引起了广泛的关注和抗议,因为它被认为是一起种族仇恨犯罪。Vincent Chin的死亡导致了亚裔裔美国人社区的团结和行动,促进了美国反歧视法律的改革。

Vincent Chin is murdered

Chinese American Vincent Chin, 27, is beaten in the head with a baseball bat by two white autoworkers in Detroit on June 19, 1982. Chin died in a hospital four days later, on June 23. 

During his bachelor party at a club on the night of June 19, Chin and three friends were signaled out by Ronald Ebens, 43, and Michael Nitz, 23, his stepson, according to NBC News, who, witnesses said, blamed the men for being out of work because of car imports from Japan. Following a fight, Ebens and Nitz searched for the group, finding them at a McDonald's, where Ebens used a baseball bat to smash Chin in the head while Nitz held him down.

Convicted of manslaughter in a plea deal, Ebens and Nitz were sentenced to three years probation and a $3,000 fine with no jail time. The verdict lead to outrage and protests in the Asian American community. Kin Yee, the president of the Detroit Chinese Welfare Council, called the sentence "a license to kill for $3,000, provided you have a steady job or are a student and the victim is Chinese,'' according to The New York Times.

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