
In the News: The NBA\'s perception problem keeps growing

(2008-06-11 10:44:15) 下一个
From Sports Illustrated today Read full article here

It's a lot harder to laugh at the NBA conspiracy theorists today, isn't it?...

That's what Tim Donaghy, the rogue referee who is fast becoming commissioner David Stern's worst nightmare, has brought about with his stunning accusations of biased officiating, fixed playoff games and other improprieties. He has put it all in play -- all the suspicions, all the skepticism, all the whispers that something about the NBA just doesn't feel completely on the up-and-up...The veracity of Donaghy's claims, in which he named no names, is very much up for debate...

Much of what Donaghy alleges seems plausible enough. The charges, if true, would explain a great deal. He told authorities that in 2002 two referees conspired in a playoff series to ensure the series would reach a seventh game...

Anyone who watched that game remembers how strangely lopsided the officiating seemed, particularly in the fourth quarter. Among the egregiously blown calls was a blatant elbow by Kobe Bryant against the Kings' Mike Bibby that somehow escaped detection...

It would be easier to chalk up all of this as the groundless allegations of a desperate man if it didn't play into so many of the suspicions about the league that have existed for years but have been dismissed by the NBA as a minor annoyance instead of a serious issue to address...

Four words today:
up-and-up - Getting better, actively rising above
veracity - 真实, something true; conformity with truth or fact
egregiously - 恶名昭彰地, conspicuously
chalk up - 取得,归咎于, achieve, credit or ascribe

For example:
Gasoline price goes up and up
I've got no idea of the veracity of his claim
ABC egregiously distorts Bill Clinton's comments
Liu Xiang chalked up another world record

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