
南山松 (热门博主)
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周末一笑: 模仿(转载)

(2015-11-27 18:00:29) 下一个

1 模仿

A schoolboy went home with a pain in his stomach. "Well, sit down and eat your tea,” said his mother.  "Your stomach’s hurting because it’s empty. It'll be all right when you’ve got something in it.”

Shortly afterwards Dad came in from the office, complaining of a headache.

"That’s because it's empty,” said his bright son. “You’d be all right if you had something in it.”




2 自然分娩

A lady didn’t quite make if to hospital for the birth of her child; in fact, the baby was born on the lawn just outside the main entrance. The poor woman was dreadfully embarrassed and was being consoled by one of the nurses, who said; "Don’t worry about it. It could have been worse, when two years ago we had a woman who gave birth in the, elevator.” The woman cried," That was me!” and burst into tears.

一个孕妇还没有来得及到医院就生下了她的孩子。实际上,婴儿是在医院大门外的草坪上出生的。这个可怜的女人因此而感到非常的尴尬。一个护士安慰她说:“不要担心,有的人还不如你呢。两年前有个女人是在电梯里生下的孩子。” 那个女人泪如泉涌地哭着说:“那就是我!”

3 熊和兔子

A bear is chasing a bunny when all of a sudden a djinn appears and grants them each three wishes. The bear, being very selfish, wishes that all the bears in his forest were female and instantly it is done. Then the bunny wishes he had a lifetime supply of carrots in his backyard. For his next turn, the bear wishes that all the other bears in his entire nation were female. The bunny wishes for a motorcycle. Finally on the last wish, the bear wishes that all the other bears on the whole earth were female. The bunny wishes that the bear was gay and rides home on his motorcycle.


4 火鸡干了什么

A man goes to a pet shop and buys a talking parrot. He takes the parrot home and tries to teach the parrot how to say a few things, but instead, the parrot just swears at him. After a few hours of trying to teach the bird, the man finally says, "If you don't stop swearing, I'm going to put you in the freezer as punishment." The parrot continues, so finally the man puts the bird in the freezer. About an hour later, the parrot asks the man to please open the door. As the man takes the shivering bird out of the freezer, it says, "I promise to never swear again. Just tell me what that turkey did!"


5 蚊子宝宝

It was a baby mosquito's first day to fly out from home. When the mosquito came back home later that day, the father mosquito asked, "How was your journey?" The baby mosquito replied, "It went great. Everyone was clapping for me!"

这是蚊子宝宝从家里飞了出来的第一天。当天晚些时候蚊子回到家时,蚊子父亲问道,“你的旅程怎么样?” 蚊子宝宝回答说:“太棒了。每个人都在为我鼓掌!”

6 猫和狗的不同

What is the difference between a cat and a dog? Dogs think, "Humans are benevolent, they feed me and take care of me, so they must be Gods. Cats think, "Humans are benevolent, they feed me and take care of me, so I must be God."



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阅读 ()评论 (22)
南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复 'SnowFallingOnWater' 的评论 :
雪花好! 很高兴你喜欢:)
雪花, 新周快乐!
南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复 '多伦多橄榄树' 的评论 :
SnowFallingOnWater 回复 悄悄话 哈哈哈。。。。动物们的笑话太好笑了。谢谢松松分享
多伦多橄榄树 回复 悄悄话 猫和狗这个,发人深省,问好松松!
南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复 '菲儿天地' 的评论 :
菲儿天地 回复 悄悄话 第一个是说小时候女儿的:)
南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复 '思念青荷' 的评论 :
青荷好! 嗯, 对同样的事物的认识和理解会有很大的不同呢:)
青荷, 周末快乐!
南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复 '尼斯' 的评论 :
哈哈, 尼斯, 你有特异功能啊~
尼斯, 周末快乐!
南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复 '50后的姥姥' 的评论 :
美眉好! 嗯, 这两个小家伙都太天真可爱了:)
美眉, 周末快乐!
思念青荷 回复 悄悄话 哈哈,最后那个太有哲理了!
尼斯 回复 悄悄话 玛雅,我绿妹子夜里梦见松姐姐了,肯定的
50后的姥姥 回复 悄悄话 哈哈!第一和第五我感觉好好笑!
南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复 '绿叶唤唤' 的评论 :
南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复 '水沫' 的评论 :
水沫好! 我也喜欢点点的点评:)
水沫, 周末快乐!
绿叶唤唤 回复 悄悄话 哦,原来是这样。早知道松姐姐在下面有解释第四个,我就不用想那么半天了。呵呵,害得我看了好几遍。
水沫 回复 悄悄话 回复 'spot321' 的评论 : 哈哈,这个星期都很搞笑~~点点评得很好~~
南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复 'momo_sharon' 的评论 :
默默好! 第四个,估计是鹦鹉看到了冰箱里的火鸡,他想知道火鸡犯了什么错被杀死做熟了:)
默默, 周末快乐!
南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复 'spot321' 的评论 :
点点好! 你养过狗,对猫狗的不同一定感觉更深.小蚊子还不知好歹呢.实际上那个女人生产很顺利是吧:)
点点, 周末快乐!
spot321 回复 悄悄话 的确,猫和狗大大的不同哦。猫就像主人的上帝,狗就像主人的仆人。“可怜”的小蚊子,估计就差一点点就被人们的巴掌拍死了。用现实的话说,那个女人生孩子不太费劲。男孩子的爸爸也许就因为脑袋里面的东西太过于多了才头疼的。问好小松!谢谢好笑的段子。祝你有一个开心愉快的周末!
momo_sharon 回复 悄悄话 祝松松节日快乐!
momo_sharon 回复 悄悄话 哈哈,第一和第二太搞笑了,看了直乐!第4有点不是很明白。
spot321 回复 悄悄话 沙发!