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Star Scopes (1/30/09~2/5/09)

(2009-01-30 19:51:27) 下一个

Star Scopes (1/30/09~2/5/09)

Author: James Tucker

Aries-March 21-April 19

Aries the ram lives on the higher slopes of life. This gives you a clear vision. You can see further ahead than most. This gives an edge when new opportunities arise. Your natural competitive spirit is always ready to take on new challenges. Decisive action always produces positive result when you stay focused on your dream

Taurus-April 20-May 20

Stay strong in your own beliefs, but continue to listen to trusted advisors as well. When you ask for advice from a trusted friend you honor them. This shows that you are coming from the heart and not the ego. This brings respect, encouragement and hope. Your courage in the face of adversity is one of your strongest assets.

Gemini-May 21-June 21

Act decisively on your immediate goals and plans. Your inherent sense of responsibility will guide you as needed. Keep a lighter approach. When you get upset, it usually is caused by expecting others to do things your way and they don’t. Face life’s challenges head on when they happen. They are stepping stones toward your true greatness.

Cancer-June 22-July 22

Make it a point to do something nice for someone everyday. When you make someone else happy, the joy comes back tenfold to you. You were born with a great heart. It is your destiny to do this. Then, when you are psyched up, use this extra energy to motivate you in your own quest for happiness. You were born for this quality of life.

Leo-July 23-Aug. 22

Affirm every day that you are fed and protected by the universe. Feeling thankful for the many wonderful friends who grace your personal and professional life is what brings you so much joy. You see the good in others. They see it in you. This is a wonderful life and to be desired above great riches. You have found the true meaning of life.

Virgo-Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Your love of life, nature and the universe is evident in the increased health and happiness of recent months. You are at your best when you set lofty goals and bring them to fulfillment. You are never content with mediocrity. You were born to excel. You life is an inspiration to others. You do it so well.

Libra-Sept. 23-Oct. 22

As your spirit rises, so does your mental and physical strength. Your thinking is keen. Your heart is open and your spirit is strong. You have more spiritual blessings than your can handle. You handle daily challenges better than anyone. Why? Because you are the sign of balance. You keep us all in focus. The future looks bright. Thanks.

Scorpio-Oct. 23-Nov. 21

You are at a turning point in life. The next three months should show a mending of the old ways and a renewal of your spirit. You are about to shine in 2009. Just about everything you try will work out in positive ways. It is a great blessing. Spirit loves you and wants great happiness for you in every way. Feast and enjoy.

Sagittarius-Nov. 22-Dec.21

There is much change happening around you. Your job is to stay calm and refuse to let the world toss you around. When you do this – and refuse to get upset – you have mastered life and are now fully on the spiritual path. When this happens the universe will open the floodgates of abundance and bring you riches beyond your greatest dreams.

Capricorn-Dec. 22-Jan. 19

You have just come through a time of recharging and focus. You now have a wider view of your course of action. This edge, along with your natural strong instincts, will always result in positive outcomes. Your victories outweigh your losses. This makes you a winner in the game of life.

Aquarius-Jan. 20-Feb. 18

You are at your best when you set divinely-inspired ideas into forward motion and create exciting new realities. For this to happen you must be focused on a cause that makes you and others happy. Don’t worry about the outcome. Keep inspiring yourself and others, and the end result will be more than your ever dreamed possible.

Pisces-Feb. 19-March 20

Continue to rise up from earthly restrictions and transform yourself into the beautiful, free-spirited creature you truly are. Release any restrictive bonds of the past, open your heart and soar like a beautiful butterfly or eagle. Refuse to accept mediocrity. Stay close to your passion and dreams. You are on your way to super happiness.

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