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(2013-10-15 14:51:42) 下一个

Eleven amazing superfoods to pump up your health

1. Blueberries 蓝莓

Blueberries are highly packed with antioxidants, fiber and vitamin C. Its health benefits include normalization of bowel movement, lowering of cholesterol and blood sugar level control. This fruit has also been found to prevent the onset of cancer, asthma, arthritis, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease and other neurological diseases related to aging.

Having a bag of blueberries as a refrigerator staple provides a steady supply of this fruit for use in different foods, including yogurt, fruit salads and porridges. They can also be added to bakery items such as cakes, cinnamon rolls and croissants.

A handful of blueberry fruits would be sufficient for one day.

2. Broccoli 西兰花

Broccoli's nutritional components include fiber, calcium, folic acid and vitamins K and C. Vitamin C is a powerful agent against cancer, while vitamin K keeps the blood healthy. Fiber cleans the stomach, and calcium keeps the bones strong. Lastly, folic acid promotes normal development of babies inside the wombs of pregnant mothers.

Broccoli is a great addition to mixed veggie dishes. Stir fry these veggies for a few minutes and then consume right afterwards. Broccoli can also be eaten raw with low-fat dips or hummus. A cup a day of cooked or raw broccoli is adequate.

3. Black Tea 红茶

Black tea has a high antioxidant content. This morning and afternoon treat is able to prevent cancer, lower blood pressure and inhibit the development of osteoporosis. It can also lower the risk for stroke and heart diseases and increase fluid levels inside the body. Black tea is under investigation for the possibility that it can protect skin from sunlight.

Brew tea for about three minutes. Sugar and a wedge of lime or lemon can be added to the tea. There is no limit to tea consumption.

4. Spinach 菠菜

Spinach has folate, fiber, vitamin A, vitamin K and protein. It is known to keep the memory sharp and the heart strong.

Spinach is a flexible food to enjoy raw in salads or mixed in pasta sauces and other dishes. A cup of spinach a day provides ample supply of vitamins and minerals.

5. Walnuts 核桃

Among all nuts, walnuts have the most antioxidant content. They are also rich with polyunsaturated fats, omega-3 oils, vitamin E and plant serums. These help prevent cancer, heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes and depression.

It is common to eat shelled walnuts as is, but they can also be crushed or ground to be included in salads, meals and desserts. Eating eight walnuts in a single day is good enough to stock up on these nutrients.

6. Edamame 毛豆

Edamame is a good source of plant-based protein, fiber and antioxidants. This legume is good for controlling risk levels of cardiovascular diseases, lowering blood cholesterol levels and inhibiting cancer development.

Just boil it and sprinkle it with lemon and sea salt. It could also be used as a replacement for chickpeas in the traditional dish called hummus. Half a cup of edamame can provide the consumer about 9 g of fiber, 11 g of protein, 120 calories and some quantity of antioxidants.

7. Bananas 香蕉

The ubiquitous bananas are great sources of vitamin B6, potassium, carbohydrates and antioxidants. Their direct health benefits are increased supply of energy to the body, elimination of free radicals, protection of cells, lowering risks of heart diseases and certain types of cancer, lowering blood pressure and the promotion and maintenance of good health for hair and skin.

Peel and consume them raw. There's no limit for consuming bananas, but don't eat them unripe or overripe.

8. Brazil Nuts 巴西坚果

These nuts are good sources of fiber, minerals, essential vitamins and selenium. Brazil nuts are good for Alzheimer's, depression and cancer.

These nuts are commonly mixed with cereals or salad dressing. Consume up to three nuts a day or less if there are fat-rich foods in the diet.

9. Kiwi Fruit 猕猴桃

Kiwi is nutritionally dense with large quantities of vitamin A, vitamin E, fiber, potassium and antioxidants. It neutralizes free radicals effectively and lowers the risk of inflammation, colon cancer and asthma. The fruit can also correct platelet hyperactivity and lower triglyceride levels.

Eating a kiwi a day is recommended.

10. Flaxseed 亚麻籽

These tiny seeds contain antioxidants, B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids. Flaxseed, the only plant source of omega-3, is a brain food and is a good fighter against cancer.

Flaxseed is mixed with pasta sauces and salad dressing. In the morning, it can be added to a cup of yogurt or a bowl of cereals. Two teaspoons of flaxseed a day is able to deliver its health benefits. Just make sure to chew the seeds finely in your mouth for easy absorption of nutrients.

11. Dark Chocolate 黑巧克力

Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants and contains a higher content of antioxidants compared to many fruit juices. This is known to enhance the flow of blood to the brain and is known to improve one's mood.

Eating chunks of dark chocolate as a mid-afternoon snack or using it in baked goods is a common way of consuming this food. Two squares of dark chocolate a day is considered safe.


Getting good nutrition and avoiding diseases is not impossible. Combining good diets with a healthy lifestyle and spiritual soundness will result in a better life.

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About the author:
Sandeep is an mountain climber, runner, and fitness coach. He shares his tips for staying in shape and eating healthy on quickeasyfit.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/042474_amazing_superfoods_nutritious_diet_healthy_lifestyle.html#ixzz2hpVVcvmx

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