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Sensitive to gluten?

(2011-10-31 11:19:01) 下一个

Gluten is a lectin protein found in wheat, rye, barley and oats. They're also in foods containing these grains including beer, grain-based alcohols, mayonnaise and grain vinegar—just to name a few.

If you're gluten-sensitive then you know how important it is to avoid these lectins at all costs. But you also know how easy it is to accidently come in contact with gluten. For example...

A tasty sauce may be thickened with white flour—and the gluten in that flour can make your digestive tract go haywire. Soon you experience:

  • Headaches, brain fog and a lack of concentration
  • Skin problems such as itchiness, eczema and acne
  • Water retention
  • Puffiness around the eyes
  • Bloating
  • Unexplainable yet constant fatigue
  • A chronic clearing of the throat and excess mucus
  • Non-illness related coughing
  • Joint stiffness, pain and inflammation
  • Abdominal pain and gas with meals, excessive belching because lectins can lower hydrochloric acid levels (HCl) in your stomach and impair digestion
  • Gastric reflux and upset stomach
  • Irritable bowels
  • Hyperactivity
  • Sinus problems, itchy nose, congestion and post-nasal drip
  • Insulin shifts affecting blood sugar balance

And now scientific research proves lectins can wreak havoc with your digestion and mimic all sorts of health problems including:

  • Headaches —that come out of nowhere
  • Poor concentration ... brain fog... and even "senior moments"—especially after eating a meal
  • Skin problems —including itching and skin breakouts
  • Bloating and puffiness —especially around your eyes
  • Weight gain —and even weight loss
  • Constant fatigue —and post-meal energy drain
  • Repeatedly clearing your throat
  • Excess mucus build-up
  • Unexplainable—and sometimes out of control—coughs
  • Joint stiffness —especially in the morning—and joint aches throughout the day
  • Unexplainable illnesses —and "catching" everything that comes around
  • Inflammation —in both joints and cells
  • Upset stomach, cramping and excessive belching —not to mention embarrassing gas
  • And that's just the tip of the iceberg!

Lectins are sticky proteins that make up part of a plant's natural immune system. They create a barrier of defense for the plant. For example...

· A pumpkin seed is surrounded by sticky lectin proteins to help fight off enemy invaders such as mold or parasites.

· These invading enemy cells naturally contain sugar molecules. When lectins from the pumpkin seed detect a possible assault, they attach themselves to the sugar molecules of the invader cells to BLOCK the attack on the seed and render the sugar molecule useless.

· So in the plant world lectins are beneficial. They protect plants from harm.

But here's where lectins can cause chaos to your body
—especially your gut...

Lectins are found in most all of the foods you eat including:

  • Wheat, rye, barley malt and oats
  • Nightshade plants including tomato, potato and eggplant
  • Legumes—and all beans including soy and peanut
  • Dairy—all milk products, cheese, yogurt and kefir
  • Eggs

And you can't eliminate lectins by cooking on high temperatures when broiling, grilling or baking your foods. When you eat lectin-containing foods, your body can't digest or eliminate those
lectin proteins.

In fact, noted lectin expert, D.J. Freed, M.D., found lectin proteins in hot, freshly baked bread... and even recovered intact lectins from stool samples! That's just how resilient lectins are!

So once you eat lectin proteins, they travel through your digestive tract and make their way into your bloodstream virtually untouched—and looking to start a fight.

That's because by nature, lectins are designed to attach themselves to sugar molecules. Remember, lectins are former plant protectors.

Lectins don't know they aren't needed to protect a plant anymore, so they still go hunting for sugar molecules to stick to. But now, those sugar molecules are in the healthy cells of YOUR BODY!

And guess where they find an abundance of healthy and thriving sugar molecules?

In your digestive tract!

That's right! The cell lining of your gut is loaded with polysaccharides, amino sugars, fucose and mannose—all powerful sugars your body needs for proper digestion.

But the problem is: Lectins target these healthy gut sugars as "enemies" and attach to them. Once a lectin sticks to a sugar molecule, that sugar molecule is now viewed as "defective" by your immune system.

So your immune system sends the signal to your white blood cells to destroy the defective molecule and their "heat-sensing missiles" called inflammation!

In other words, that burning sensation you can feel in your gut—and even in your rectum—after you eat is oftentimes an all-out attack from your immune system trying to destroy lectin-locked cells!

And think about this: If you regularly experience severe digestive problems, here's one reason why:

After a lectin attack on your gut, your intestinal lining quickly tries to repair itself by creating
new tissue.

Well, guess what? New tissue cells are "glycosylated" meaning they contain LOTS of sugar molecules, which makes them highly susceptible to ANOTHER lectin attack. That's one reason why you never seem to get off the vicious "eat-pain-eat-pain" cycle!

Lectins are not really a new discovery. You've probably
heard of the most common lectin...
It's gluten!

Research dating back to 1954 shows how lectins can stick to and clump your blood cells. And the Journal of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine published research about lectins more than 15 years ago. But very few scientists made the connection between lectins and digestive problems.

Yet, more and more Americans are developing food sensitivities, food allergies, irritable bowels, spastic colon and other digestive problems. And this outbreak ties into the increase of high-lectin foods in our diet. One of those popular foods is wheat.

That's because wheat contains a component called "wheat germ agglutinin (WGA)." But you've probably heard it by its common name: gluten. Well, guess what? Gluten is the most popular type of wheat lectin in our diets! In fact...

Food manufacturers ADD even MORE gluten to all types of flour to give it more binding power. And the wheat sold on grocery shelves today contains nearly 90% MORE GLUTEN than the wheat your grandparents ate!

And researchers now know that gluten found in flours and breads—including white bread—can trigger inflammation throughout your entire body and cause a host of neurodegenerative illnesses, irritable bowels and autoimmune problems!

Why is one man's food another man's poison?
One answer: lectins!

The Roman poet and philosopher Lucretius said, "One man's food is another man's poison." Well, lectins explain the reason why.

Your genetic make-up determines how and to what degree lectins can affect you. That's why food allergies usually run in the family.

And unfortunately, your body's recognition of food as "friend or foe" is not based on the nutritional value of a food. For example...

Tomatoes contain lycopene, a powerful antioxidant. But tomatoes also contain a panhemagglutinin lectin that is potentially harmful. This dangerous tomato lectin can:

  • Lower mucin —a special protective protein that lines your digestive tract and keeps it healthy.
  • Initiate cell chaos —by binding to blood cells and
    nerve tissue.
  • Interfere with gastrin —a hormone produced in the stomach to release gastric juice needed for
    proper digestion.

The same is true of lectins found in many foods such as: corn, dairy, chicken, peas, bananas, beans and legumes, soy, potatoes, pomegranate, nuts, cantaloupe, seafood, wheat, millet and many more!

Although they contain a variety of very healthful nutrients—these foods can wreck your health if you're allergic or sensitive to the lectins in them.

New research conducted by Peter D'Adamo, M.D., author of Eat Right 4 Your Type reveals your blood type may hold an important key to healthy digestion.

His research showed certain blood types are naturally sensitive to specific kinds of lectins. For example, Type O folks often experience digestive problems when repeatedly exposed to corn lectins. And Type Bs can be seriously sensitive to lectins found in chicken.

Lectins—a trigger for joint discomfort
and autoimmune problems!

Clinical observations show inflammation in your gut can also be associated with inflammation in your joints according to Carolyn Pierini, a clinical laboratory scientist.

Pierini reports the source of constant yet unexplainable discomfort may stem from intolerance to lectins. In fact, if you're already suffering from an autoimmune problem—lectins can make you feel even worse. For example...

Nightshade vegetables like potatoes, eggplant and tomatoes are very high in lectins and are known to trigger the symptoms of joint discomfort.

And to add insult to injury... lectins can make you fat, too!

Lectins have the uncanny ability to mimic hormones—and this can seriously affect your ability to metabolize foods and burn fat. Here's why:

The journal Neuropeptides reported that lectins found in wheat, lentils, green peas, corn and potatoes are now known to bind to the insulin hormone receptors in your body. These receptors are responsible for creating fat cells.

Once lectins lock into these insulin receptors, they don't let go. So the signal to "make more fat" continues non-stop—causing the creation of more fat cells in your body! But that's not all...

Lectins have been shown to block digestive hormones. For example, the wheat lectin gluten can bind to the receptor for cholecystokinin (CCK)—a hormone involved in appetite control. Once gluten binds to this receptor, it SUPPRESSES your body's "stop eating" signal. In turn, you eat more and get fat!

Other lectins found in common foods can:

  • Inflame your digestive tract lining !
  • Interfere with the digestive process... causing bloating
  • Slow down the rate of food metabolism —so you don't efficiently burn calories for energy!
  • Compromise the production of insulin!
  • Upset your hormonal balance —causing water retention, thyroid problems and
    other concerns!

So lectins trick your body to make MORE FAT by blocking your insulin receptors. And they fool your digestive hormones into thinking you're still hungry when you're not!

Hmmm... could lectins be sabotaging YOUR weight loss goals? For many of us, the answer
is YES!

Fortunately, you can do something about it...

The one easy—yet powerful—way to protect
yourself against lectins...

Sure, you can try to follow a diet that severely limits your intake of lectins. But the truth is: Lectins are everywhere—not just in foods, but in the environment, too.

Because they're prevalent in the plant world, you can be exposed to lectins just by walking on your grass... inhaling pollen in the air... or spending time in your garden.

And lectins, especially gluten, can be hidden in medicines... cosmetics... and even in vitamins and nutritional supplements.

But the good news is... you don't have to live in a bubble to stay away from lectins. Scientific research shows you can create a virtual lectin force field to help protect your gut.

And since 70% of your immune system is located in your gut, this lectin force field can enhance your total immune health, too!

That's why, in my humble opinion, this phenomenal discovery deserves nothing short of a
Nobel Prize!

And it started with a simple question...

If lectins need to attach to sugars, can we give them "decoy sugars" so we protect the healthy sugars in the body?

When scientists put this theory to the test—EUREKA! They discovered an amazing breakthrough!

By taking targeted supplements that contain specific "sacrificial sugars" to attract lectins—you can help lock up the renegade lectins and eliminate them from your body. In other words...

You can help put an end to annoying digestive problems... joint discomfort... skin outbreaks... and much more.

And remember, these sacrificial sugars are decoys. They are structural sugars—used only to attract lectins. That means they don't interfere with your body's cellular sugar production to create energy. And they're safe to take even if you suffer from blood sugar problems!

Working with True Health™, we formulated a remarkable supplement that now gives you targeted sacrificial sugars you need to create a force field against lectin attack.

Put simply: Lectin proteins—including glutens—attach to these sacrificial sugars—and leave the healthy sugars in your body alone. Now your body can easily remove these lectin-locked molecules from your body and prevent them for causing you harm. So...

In a short time—you can experience optimal digestive health—and wellness—again!

This amazing formula—called Ultimate Lectin Defense™—and available exclusively through
True Health™—contains five powerful sacrificial sugars. These decoy sugars work together synergistically to help you combat common causes of food sensitivities... food allergies... digestive distresses... and much more.

You get: The Wheat & Gluten Clobberer!

· N-acetyl glucosamine (NAG) —This is the most abundant sugar naturally found in your body. And it's also readily available in your digestive tract and your joints. That's one reason lectins are attracted to your gut and bones.

This specific form of glucosamine has the uncanny ability to bind with disruptive wheat lectins called WGA. Research now shows wheat lectins create gluten sensitivities that can wreak havoc with your digestion and your life.

Wheat lectins love to attach themselves to NAG. And now fortunately, there's good news: A study in the journal Pancreas shows NAG can suppress the effects of nasty WGA! By giving your body a decoy of this NAG sacrificial sugar, you protect your cellular sugars... fight off wheat sensitivities... and save your digestive health.

(This product contains glucosamine made from shellfish. Avoid taking if you have a shellfish allergy.)

The Yeast and Bacteria Sticker!

· Bladderwrack —A seaweed that contains a rich source of the sugar called fucose. This is the sugar that binds to Candida yeast and the stomach ulcer-causing bacteria called H.pylori.

That alone makes bladderwrack a godsend, but there's more...

Not only does fucose help preserve the cellular sugars that protect your intestinal lining...

This remarkable seaweed has been shown to support thyroid function...
boost your metabolism to help you lose weight... and douse inflammation in your body.

Nature's Lint Roller!

· Okra powder —Latches on to already existing lectins in your body. You know how slimy okra is, right? Well, imagine that slime as a big lint roller moving along your gastrointestinal (G.I.) tract. And when that slime meets up with lectins already attached to your G.I. tract, it just sucks 'em up.

Plus, giving you an ample supply of this okra powder also helps clear out mucus... detoxify your gut... and keep your bowels clean.

Urinary Tract Guard!

· D-mannose —A remarkable E.coli fighter. You probably know that cranberry juice is good for your urinary health. But do you know why? It's because cranberry—and even pineapple-juice contain a rich source of the healthy sugar called D-mannose. And it's D-mannose that fights off E. coli bacteria that can harm your urinary tract.

By allowing E. coli lectins to stick to the D-mannose sacrificial sugar found in Ultimate Lectin Defense™, you preserve your natural D-mannose levels and maintain optimal urinary and bladder health.

Digestive Gatekeeper!

· Mucins —Protectively line your digestive tract with a slippery "sugar blanket." When a bug or virus tries to attack you, it needs a place to land. Well, mucins create a slippery surface that makes it difficult for that landing to happen. Think about this:

A first sign of an illness is usually a runny nose... excess saliva... or mucus build-up. That's because powerful sugar mucins are working hard to get those germs to slip and slide off your cell surface before they do any further damage. And you need mucins to coat nearly every single cell in your body.

With sacrificial sugars to protect your mucin levels, you can keep your entire G.I. tract in optimal shape. What's more, you can protect yourself against yeast, bacteria and even food sensitivities.

In addition to these five powerful sacrificial sugars to bind up nasty lectins you also get:

Nature's Colon Sweeper!

· Sodium alginate —This gel-like fiber binds up lectins after they've attached to the five sacrificial sugars found in Ultimate Lectin Defense™ . And then it flushes lectin-locked molecules right out of your body! You'll notice healthier bowel movements in no time. What's more...

Sodium alginate acts as a barrier to prevent stomach acids from backing up and burning your esophagus. That's a godsend if you suffer from acid reflux.

For Optimal Protein Breakdown!

· Pepsin —A powerful enzyme that breaks down proteins for optimal digestion. Pepsin also works with hydrochloric acid in your stomach to ease digestive distresses and breaks down excess mucus that can cause vomiting.

New research shows taking pepsin with okra powder (which is already available in Ultimate Lectin Defense™) may help clear away excess mucus formed as a result of food intolerance or food allergy in the digestive tract.

Scientific studies show taking these five sacrificial sugars along with sodium alginate and pepsin before a meal—is optimal for binding and neutralizing the harmful lectins you eat!

Ever heard of glucosamine? Well, guess what—it's a natural lectin blocker!

If you're suffering from joint discomfort, you no doubt have heard of—or used—glucosamine to ease your discomfort.

But do you really know how glucosamine works? You're about to be surprised...

The name is the biggest hint: Glucosamine—that's right, it's sugar molecules in the form of glucose that's doing the job.

When you take glucosamine, you're sending powerful sugar molecules to protect and cushion your joints.

So when lectins try to attack your joints, the glucosamine molecules attach to the lectin molecules—sacrificing themselves for the sake of your joints.

Bet you never thought of glucosamine as a powerful lectin blocker, did you? But it is.

That's why I include N-acetyl glucosamine (NAG) in Ultimate Lectin Defense™! NAG is a favorite target of dietary lectins. Lectins WANT to attach themselves to NAG—and when they do—POW! They're trapped and kicked out of your joints.

With the addition of NAG—you can protect your gut—and your joints, too.

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