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Medication strips your body of vital nutrients, says pharmacist

(2011-06-21 07:12:24) 下一个

Medication strips your body of vital nutrients, says pharmacist

by Neev M. Arnell

(NaturalNews) Often prescribed to alleviate symptoms of illness, pharmaceutical medications rarely attack the root cause and cure the illness and have the added downside of side-effects.

Aside from the litany of side-effects listed, new book "Drug Muggers: Which Medications Are Robbing Your Body of Essential Nutrients" suggests the medications may be further adding to your state of illness by "stealing nutrients from your system or preventing their absorption." Not only might this make you feel worse, but it also may cause you to develop another condition.

Author of the new book, leading U.S. pharmacist Suzy Cohen, claims, "If you run low on even one vital nutrient, you can experience a cascade of uncomfortable side effects," she claims. Eating healthy is not going to save you either, if you are taking nutrient-robbing medications, according to Cohen.

"Even if you eat fresh fruits and vegetables every hour, you still get only a fraction of the essential nutrients you need from these foods -- and if your medication is depleting them, you'll need even more," says Cohen.

The solution is supplements, according to Cohen, who suggests specific doses in her book depending on what drugs you are taking.

Here is a list of some medications and the associated side effects from Cohen's new book:

* Statins block the production of CoQ10, an anti-oxidant and nutrient associated with energy production. Risks include: fatigue, weakness, memory loss, shortness of breath, leg cramps and frequent infections.

* Antibiotics kill bacteria, including good bacteria that produce B vitamins.Risks include: heart disease, increased risk of cancer, leg cramps, low thyroid and bone loss.

* Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, a type of painkiller commonly referred to as NSAIDs, include ibuprofen and aspirin. They raise the risk of stomach ulcers and bleeding by attacking prostaglandins that protect the stomach lining. This also leads to a loss of iron, which can be made worse by some NSAIDs that also bind to iron and make it useless. Risks include: heart disease, depression, diarrhea, mouth sores and anemia.

* Some ACE inhibitors, a treatment for high blood pressure that dilates blood vessels, attach themselves to zinc in the body. This can affect certain kinds of cell growth in the body, the immune system and the production of testosterone. Risks include: loss of sex drive, prostate problems, hair loss and slow wound healing.

* SSRIs antidepressants or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, such as paroxetine and fluoxetine (Prozac), may affect thyroid hormone production, which regulated metabolism, digestion, mood, immune function and muscle function. Risks include: hypothyroidism, depression, weight gain and lowered immunity.

* Diuretics, prescribed for hypertension, heart failure and edema, increase urine production, leading to loss of minerals and nutrients, including vitamin C and calcium. Risks include: slow wound healing, depression, leg cramps, weight gain and brittle bones.

* Prescribed to control hormone levels, the pill and HRT also destroy good bacteria in the gut and affect synthesis of nutrients, including vitamin B6 and zinc. Risks include: insomnia, memory loss, irritability, heart disease and increased risk of cancer.

* Diabetes medications, including metformin (Glucophage), metformin and sitagliptin (Janumet), and glipizide (Glibenese, Minodiab), reduce levels of succinate dehydrogenase, CoQ10 and hemoglobin. Low hemoglobin levels can lead to lowered levels of vitamin B12. Risks include: anemia, muscle cramps, fatigue, memory loss and irregular heartbeat.

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