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新方法治疗类风湿 - 雷公藤

(2009-09-01 11:51:16) 下一个
New approach for rheumatoid

If you're suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, you've probably tried just about everything to get some relief. But something tells me you haven't tried this...

Thunder god vine.

Yes, I know it sounds like some kind of cheap wine that could turn your tongue black, but it's actually a Chinese herb that's been used to treat inflammation for centuries in Asia.

While the plant itself is highly poisonous, an extract made from its root has shown some real promise when it comes to that elusive relief from RA. A study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that thunder god vine beat out one of Big Pharma's offerings.

Researchers tracked 121 RA sufferers. Some were taking prescription sulfasalazine, while the others got the thunder god vine. After 24 weeks, 65 percent of the thunder gods said they had an improvement of at least 20 percent.

Only a third of those on Big Pharma's med could say the same.

No one could call this a conclusive study -- but I'd call it an encouraging one, especially since other small studies have had similar results.

But the thunder god does have the potential for a little wrath -- a few of the side effects can include diarrhea, nausea, stomachaches, hair loss, headaches, and even a decrease in sperm count.

So as much as I enjoy a good slap in the face of Big Pharma, in this case you'll need to weigh the potential side effects of the vine against those of any prescription meds you might be taking.

Still swinging from my own vine,

William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.

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