
At the office early by Ted Kooser

(2008-04-20 15:03:25) 下一个
Rain has beaded the panes
of my office windows,
and in each little lens
the bank at the corner
hangs upside down.
What wonderful music
this rain must have made
in the night, a thousand banks
turned over, the change
crashing out of the drawers
and bouncing upstairs
to the roof, the soft
percussion of the ferns
dropping out of their pots,
the ballpoint pens
popping out of their sockets
in a fluffy snow
of deposit slips.
Now all day long,
as the sun dries the glass,
I'll hear the soft piano
of banks righting themselves,
the underpaid tellers
counting their nickels and dimes.

诗人早上走进高楼里的办公室,坐在椅子上, 往窗外看去。他的眼光停留在玻璃上的水珠上。这些水珠是昨夜那场雨留下的。他看到的不只是水珠,更有那水珠里阳光反射下的银行。银行是马路对面角落的银行。由于反射, 诗人看到的是很多倒立的银行。这时,诗人发挥了他的神奇的想象。他想象这场雨夜间会谱写的乐章:一千个银行倒立过来,硬币从抽屉里哗啦啦跑了出来,跳跃到楼上,到房顶。蕨树从花盆掉时的敲打声,还有银行里的那些圆珠笔从笔座里砰砰蹦出来,伴随着是那些储蓄单象绒毛似的雪那样飘飘起舞。当然,想象归想象。还要回到现实。现实对诗人也是一种音乐。太阳在一天里把玻璃擦干时,诗人听到了一种柔和的琴声:那些银行把自己正立起来的声音,还有低薪的出纳员们数着五分和一角硬币的声音。

------中国傲吧注 (www.zgob.com)

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