
看完走马读人网友的画作之后的感想 来源: 小豹

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周末终于有点儿时间了,说说我看完走马读人网友的画作之后的感想 Finally a little time over the w2009-11-28 14:40:22
周末终于有点儿时间了,说说我看完走马读人网友的画作之后的感想 Finally a little time over the weekend, and say that I have read cursory reading of the paintings were, after User thoughts
来源: 小豹于09-11-28 13:00:24


(鉴于发帖心切,没有征求画家的同意便引用画作,还望原谅。如有不妥敬请告之。) (View post anxious, without seeking the approval of painters reference to paintings, but also hope to forgive. If wrong please advertised.)

按照我的理解水平,这幅画画的非常好。 According to my level of understanding, that piece of painting is very good. 颜色的感觉到位,手法熟练细腻,构图均匀稳重。 The feeling of the color in place, the way skilled fine, steady uniform composition.

当我第一眼看的时候,看到的是画面的整体。 When I first saw the time, you can see is the picture as a whole. 就是说没很多细节或特别突出的地方那么抢眼。 That is not a lot of detail or particularly prominent place so eye-catching. 再仔细观察之后,我觉得这正是作者想要传达的信息。 A closer observation, I think this is the author wanted to convey information. 他要表达的是画中人物的整体美,而不是某个细枝末节。 He wanted to express the character in the painting as a whole the United States, rather than to a minutiae. 这就是一副好的人物肖像画所必须具备的特点,就是说画家要让观众看到自己想让他们看到的东西。 This is a good portraits of the must-have features that allow viewers to see their artists want them to see things. 目的达到了,画就是成功的。 Objective was achieved, painting is a success.

如果你想要表达某种特殊的含义,比如列宾的《伊凡帝雷杀子》。 If you want to express a particular meaning, such as Repin's "Ivan the Emperor mine to kill the child." 画中伊凡帝雷那惊恐懊悔的眼神以及他儿子痛苦无助的神情被描绘的淋漓精致,令人叹绝。 Ivan Di Lei painting was frightened eyes, and regret the suffering of the helpless look of his son was portrayed dripping delicate, it is never a sigh. 我第一眼看那幅画满眼都是俩人的面部表情,长久地凝视仿佛能将自己置身其中,深切地感觉到现场的血腥和悲壮。 I first saw that picture you see waves of the facial expressions are the two had a long time to stare as if able to distance himself from these, deeply felt the scene of bloody and tragic. 画中色调以及布局都是为了烘托这种气氛,将完整的故事呈现在观众面前。 Painting colors and layout are designed to heighten the atmosphere, will be the full story presented in front of an audience.

我对油画的技巧了解甚少,充其量是从色彩的协调性,以及最终光与影的效果来分析。 I have little knowledge of painting techniques, at best, from the color coordination, and ultimately to analyze the effect of light and shadows. 走马读人的画中色彩过渡自然,光与影的渲染真实、统一,前后有呼应;五官处理的的当也显示出画家具有非常扎实的素描功底。 Cursory reading of the paintings were a natural transition of colors, light and shadow rendering real, unity, before and after echo; facial treatment also shows that when the painter has a very solid grounding in drawing. 起码从照片中看到是这样的感觉,更多的细节则必须要看到真画才能有个清晰的认识。 At least from the photo to see this is the feeling, more details will have to see the real picture in order to have a clear understanding. 胸部的处理非常值得一提。 The handling of the chest is very worth mentioning. 嘿嘿,左胸乳沟处的亮度处理恰到好处,既体现出模特的丰韵又不喧宾夺主影响整体观感。 Hey, left chest cleavage at the brightness of handling just right, not only reflect the model's not overwhelming and affect the overall impression remains charming. 所以说画家在这上面是花了功夫的。 So the artist in this effort is spent on top of. 哈哈哈。 Ha ha ha. 手部的处理也同样值得一提,仅从画中我就能感觉到模特那纤纤玉手的魅力。 Handling of the hand is also worth mentioning that, just from the painting I can feel the charm of the hand model was slender. 右手食指与左手中指叠加交错是传神所在,完美地塑造出手部的柔感及质感。 Right index finger and left middle finger is a vivid cross superimposed where the shot perfectly shaped soft feel and texture of the Department. 可以说画家和模特在造型上是有默契的。 Can be said that artists and models in the modeling is a tacit understanding.

画中模特的卷发处理稍有瑕疵。 Painting in the model's hair treatment is slightly flawed. 主要是前额处的立体感不强,如能有些浅色烘托衬出头发的光感和质感则更美。 Is mainly the forehead at the three-dimensional feeling is not strong, if some light-colored hair and Chen Chu contrast of light and texture is even a sense of the United States. 当然这只是对次要部分的处理,一两条白线可能就足够了。 Of course, this only applies to minor part of the deal, one or two white lines may be sufficient. 毕竟你不想让读者看到抹了浓浓头油的红衣美女。 After all, you do not want readers to see wiped a thick pomade the red beauty. 嘿嘿。 Hei hei. 我是局外人看,深知画家在作画时难免有疏漏之处,这是不可避免的,每个人都不可能面面俱到。 I was an outsider to see, well aware of artists in painting the inevitable omissions, it is inevitable that everyone can not cover everything.

膝部的处理借助了裙子的质感和光影,没有靠过多的布折纹就使立体效果跃然纸上,自然和谐。 Treatment of the knee skirt with a texture and lighting, without relying on too many patterns on the cloth folded so that three-dimensional effect of leap off the paper, natural and harmonious. 从这方面看,模特的着装可能也是考虑过的。 In this respect, model's dress code may also be considered this. 如果真是如此,那么画家在现实生活中也一定是一位心思缜密,一丝不苟的人。 If this is the case, then the artist in real life, thoughts must also be a careful, meticulous person.

再说说构图。 Let me talk about composition. 古希腊崇尚黄金分割,之所以比喻为黄金,是因为形状的稳定性和简介性达到了完美的程度。 Ancient Greek advocate Golden, the reason is compared to gold, because the shape of the stability and profile to achieve the perfect level. 画画时,构图也应该尊崇这个原则。 Painting, the composition should also respect this principle. 你所想呈现出来的空间效果一定要让人感觉自然、舒服。 You think out of the space presented results must let the people feel natural, comfortable. 有很多现成的规则,比如说三维透视啊,不等边三角构图,上留天,下留地,左看留左,右看留右啊等等。 There are many ready-made rules, such as three-dimensional perspective, ah, equilateral triangular composition, the remaining days, the next left, the left to see stay in the left and right to see stay in the right ah so. 这幅画中,人物侧坐偏左,所以左边空间留的适度,而右边空间安排也不显拥挤。 The painting, the characters sit side-left, so the left side of space remaining modest, whereas the right spatial arrangement is not significant congestion. 沙发左扶手略使画面重心左移,若两侧均使用枕头可能效果更好。 Sofa left arm slightly so that the screen center of gravity shifted to the left, if both sides are using the pillow may be better. 但由于画家处理的的当,重心的感觉不很明显。 However, when the artist dealt with the center of gravity do not feel obvious. 我不知道模特右侧沙发背部的大块色彩是不是想起到平衡的作用,还是偶然为之。 I do not know the back of the large model on the right sofa, color is not thought to balance the role of, or accidental.

总之整幅画中对主体与局部,主要与次要的处理非常成功,我想画家是可以感到欣慰了。 In short the whole painting in the main body and the local, primary and secondary treatment of a very successful, I think artists can feel satisfied.

画家原帖请见: Painter of the original quote, see:
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