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焦点访谈 中国高铁奇迹是怎样创造的(上)




焦点访谈 中国高铁奇迹是怎样创造的(下)















2015年3月14日发布 On my recent trip to Shanghai I tried successfully to balance a coin in the window of the train at 300 km/h. Modern High Speed Rail are extremely fast to build and smooth. The Chinese companies are right now the world leading builders of High Speed Rail. Why build conventional lines with bad comfort and slow speed when this is available? I want to build the new Swedish High Speed Rail network using modern and fast building technology. The trip to China was arranged by my company SBRC (Scandinavian Bridge & Rail Consortium) and CDB (China Development Bank). I was accompanied by representatives from the Swedish Parlament Traffic Committee (Trafikutskottet), the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket), the European Corridor (Europakorridoren), and the municipal of Tranås (Tranås kommun). Also: Parliament rides train in China. www.youtube.com/watch?v=d25D_nUbLo4 Giant Chinese machine handles bridge elements: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6X82... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MWF0...


瑞典人 Ola von Koskull National Swedish newsclip: Parliament rides train in China. www.youtube.com/watch?v=d25D_nUbLo4?

钟振声 +Ola von Koskull Have you tried this before in other countries?? ·

Ola von Koskull +钟振声 Tried on high speed train in Japan a week ago, but could not balance the coin. Tried on conventional trains and X2000 trains in Sweden, but could not balance the coin. So Chinese HSR (High Speed Railways) are the best so far.?

Li Andy +Ola von Koskull do you have the video in Japan?? ·

Ola von Koskull +Liu Andy No video was made in Japan.?

Chengjie Yao 两车相遇都不倒下!! 相对时速300*2=600km/h? ·

Ola von Koskull +Chengjie Yao I met several trains on that trip, and the coin stayed balanced.? ·

Close Ads Hm...looking out of the window that definitely doesn't look like 300km/hr. I think the display is broken, can you confirm?? ·

Ola von Koskull +Close Ads The display worked ok. If you have engineering skills you might work out the approximate speed by calculating the size of houses etc and the time. Or just check the time table. Or just try it yourself. :-)?

yufaihong a foolish trick.? ·

Ola von Koskull +yufaihong I can teach you how to do it yourself: 1. By a ticket. 2. Get a coin and a smart phone. 3. Figure out the rest yourself.? ·

苍茫梦 when you cant accept others progress, you cant make it either.?

lukebccb "coin" has a flat bottom.? ·

Ola von Koskull Please see the coin rolling at 5:01. No flat surface. The coin rolled as the train was slowing down approaching a station. I understand your doubts, this is quite mind boggling, but there is no trickery here – this is for real. The “secret” is that the actual railroad is built in a modern way on concrete bridge elements.?

Hua Zhou +Ola von Koskull I can't find the youtube link, but I remember that video, they add a unique extra [anti-vibration system] , which is the "secret" technology, consequently....?

Xinli Zou +Ola von Koskull And very interesting that on 5:01, the coin is rolling, straight, instead of falling sideways.?









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