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    安卡拉和北京上个月在土耳其的 安纳托利亚中部地区进行了演习。

    这次中土两国间第一次联合演习的代号为安纳托利亚之鹰。土耳其以前和美国等北约组织成员以及以色列都举行过 安纳托利亚之鹰演习。


    这次演习举行于 预定的 中国总理温家宝访问土耳其之前。

    Hurriyet(译者注:一家很有影响的土耳其报纸)的网站上说, 土耳其和中国于1990年代后期就开始了军事合作,当时两国联合生产了射程为150公里的导弹。




    10/4/2010 4:44:29 PM

    It's amazing how many (presumably americans) are completely ignorant and in the dark pertaining to Iran (as well as Pakistan)as an observer state to the Shanghai Cooperation Pact. This pact is made up not only of China and Russia, but also Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan (a bunch of places important to the US). Yup, moving against Iran will quickly show how many friends Iran has that are willing to help it.And Turkey completely disses the US by saying the sanctions don't count. In plain terms, Ian has a lot more friends and conventional firepower in the region than does Israel



    10/4/2010 3:26:18 PM

    The Chinese are brilliant, extremely patient and are playing a great game off chess while the US and their owners in Israel are playing checkers.Who believes that if the Nazi-like Israeli's bomb Iran, that the Chinese (who have 100's of billions in energy contracts with them) won't respond with force?



    10/4/2010 3:20:23 PM

    @Paul China has been Iran's friend for many, many years... hopefully for many more years. And they BOTH need each other doofus. China buys 12 percent of their oil from Iran and have major energy deals with Iraq on the border with Iran. Turkmenistan and Iran, together with Turkey, Russia, Kazakhstan and China have other energy deals. They (Iran) have arms deals and all sorts of other deals with China. China is also Iran's largest trading partner as revealed by Financial Times, 8 February 2010. The trouble maker in the region is America, Israel and UK, the real axis of evil. They are the ones on the ground with troops and bombers, and all sorts of weapons of mass destruction along with depleted uranium with a half life of over 4 billion years!And the USA-ISRAEL-UK b***ards are dumping D.U. all over the middle east.I hope people wake up to the true realities, and bring the trinity of satanism USA-ISRAEL-UK to its knees and force it to live like decent humans.

    Paul啊,中国成为伊朗的朋友已经有很多,很多,很多年了…… 希望还能有更多年。两国都需要彼此。中国百分之十二的石油从伊朗购得,而且与伊拉克的主要能源合同也是在伊朗边境。伊朗、土库曼斯坦,再加上土耳其、俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦和中国还有其他能源合同。伊朗和中国有军火乃至各方面的贸易。据 Financial Times在2月8日报道的,中国还是伊朗最大的贸易伙伴。这个地区的麻烦制造者是美国、以色列和英国,真正的邪恶轴心。他们才是带来了军队和轰炸机,各种大规模杀伤性武器。还有半衰期超过40亿年的贫铀弹!这群混球在中东到处用这鬼玩意儿。我希望人们能看清现实,而彻底击败邪恶的三位一体美国-以色列-英国。必须让他们像好人一样生活。


    10/4/2010 7:55:52 AM

    The Chinese are relationship oriented and long term in their strategic thinking and planning, they choose friends who they wish to keep, 'saving face' and loyalty are important. It is good that Iran has opened up its airspace to China. Having a small Chinese naval base in Iran would be good for both China and Iran as well.



    10/4/2010 5:45:18 AM

    do you know some people in West China Xinjiang(Uyghur)'s ancestors are Persians and Turks !!!???


    young turks

    10/4/2010 3:20:48 AM

    Well the west kept on saying to turkey that your place is not europe but asia,well ı see asia coming already it's shown interest in helping greece with it's depts the e.u will not help thanx to the germans.and also because the e.u was blinded by racism and double standarts against turkey well this is whats comming get use to it e.u..



    10/4/2010 1:42:16 AM

    LOL, how quickly you all forget China voted YES for sanctions against Iran. Now only three months later Iran is already doing them favors. This just shows how weak Iran is and how badly they need China as a friend.


    Multilateralism instead of Unilateralism

    10/4/2010 1:24:41 AM

    The political leaders in Iran are finally realizing that Unilateralism is NOT in their best interests and in order to be a part of Global Alliance, They have to be part of Social, Economic, Political and Military Alliance and this would be their FIRST & BEST Opportunity to join the Global Powwer.Do IT ! YOU ARE ON RIGHT TRACK



    10/4/2010 1:00:30 AM

    Iran needs a good ally,outwith it,s neighbours,& one that has the latest technology,Russia has let Iran down badly with the S300 weapons system at the behest of the Jews,China is hungry for energy needs & Iran can supply them,also China was not in favour of sanctions against Iran,forging closer links with China would be a wise move.



    10/4/2010 12:21:18 AM

    I would call these maneuvers a warning shot across the bow of Israel and the western world


    Parsian Gulf

    10/3/2010 10:28:52 PM

    The Iranians should change the culture to focus on attention to detail. Thats how China became the great country it is today, all in a space of only 60 years.



    10/3/2010 9:57:53 PM

    Oh I'm sure Nato is quite worried. Not!



    Rai Yang pitang chhu Oxford

    10/3/2010 8:59:26 PM

    this is good start for both countries China and Turkey but very bad things for imperialist USA.


    Jamshed kharian-pak

    10/3/2010 7:31:13 PM

    New world order Diversified and getting new friends indeed a very good step, what is pleasant to know is Republic Turkeys Asia-East Going Thats Great, joint military maneuvers with Republic China a Happy Event The Great New Games in Asia are On, West Must be Worring!


    Voice of Africa

    10/3/2010 7:24:12 PM

    China being a friendly nation to the Islamic republic, it is only normal for Iran to open it airspace to Chinese warplanes. We think it is a positive sign and we hope china and Iran can cooperate further in the military field.



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