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谷歌译:7 月 30 日(星期二),韩国乒乓球运动员林钟勋与他的混双搭档申宥彬以及来自中国和朝鲜的队员在领奖台上合影。林钟勋和申宥彬获得铜牌。左边是获得银牌的朝鲜队李钟植和金锦英。中间是获得金牌的中国队王楚钦和孙颖莎。Getty Images:
CNN注:South Korean table tennis player Lim Jong-hoon takes a selfie on the medal podium with his mixed-doubles partner, Shin Yu-bin, and teams from China and North Korea on Tuesday, July 30. Lim and Shin won bronze. On the left is the North Korean team of Ri Jong-sik and Kim Kum-yong, who won the silver. At center is the Chinese team of Wang Chuqin and Sun Yingsha, who won the gold. Getty Images