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Hello, everyone!
I have not been here for a while and it is really a pleasure to see so many new IDs in this forum.
Below are some quick writings of mine, which I prefer to call "Random Thoughts". Despite a tendency to write longer, I will try to keep them brief and to the point, with about three (long) sentences. Then I cannot use the usual excuse of being busy or having no time :)
Please share your comments or thoughts on these. Thanks!
1. Intrinsic Happiness
Some people are happier than others, regardless of circumstances. Therefore, such pleasant nature can be considered "Intrinsic Happiness". Most likely (and unfortunately), we have all seen some "unpleasant nature" that tends to spoil the good moments of life and aggravate the challenging times. The "intrinsic happiness" is just the opposite of that. [Note 1]
2. Good Enough
Writing working emails is like making solar cells - the key to success is not to make a few really good ones; instead, it is to make many many good enough ones fast enough to be relevant, make an impact, and stay in business.
3. Mr. Right vs Mr. Cheap
Before getting married, the man knows to spend appropriately so as not to be despised [Note 2] by the woman. Afterwards, the pressure from mortgage, college tuition, etc, gradually changes the spending habits. Now, how does the man make sure he is still viewed as Mr. Right instead of Mr. Cheap?
4. Nice? Maybe Not
I was realizing that it seemed not worth it to be nice at work, when I tuned in to a radio program on this exact topic. The conclusion there was that nice is way over-rated and that people who may not be as nice are advancing better in the workplace [Note 3]. My understanding is that colleagues expect one another to get things done well, within budget, and on schedule. Being nice is an added bonus but not essential [Note 4]; on the other hand, positive conflicts are well tolerated and even encouraged. Shall I be nice at work then? Well, now it depends.
[Note 1] Thanks to NewVoice and Jennea, whose follow-up made me think more about what I was trying to express.
[Note 2] I used "dispised" earlier, which is the obsolete spelling of "despised". Thanks to 非文学青年 for correcting me!
[Note 3] I used "work place" earlier. It turned out that there is a word "workplace". Thanks to NewVoice!
[Note 4] I used "Nice is an extra but not essential" earlier. Thanks to 非文学青年 again!