
Review-This Time Western Countries Need to Hire Chinese PR Compa

(2008-04-20 12:55:16) 下一个
In his whole Tibetan Riot drama the Chinese Government is a victim in the beginning and a victor later on. The western countries set up the ugly robbing Olympic Torch and Tibetan protest at the Chinese management in Tibet.

Those countries broke up the “relationships” with the Chinese Government first ; and the Chinese Government did nothing wrong.

Why the Chinese Government has to hire the western PR company to repair the “relationship”? When I use the word “relationship”, I also ask myself: “Is this relationship?” The whole matter is like to force Chinese sign up another unfair treaty from this setup and sabotage of kidnapped Olympics.

The bottom line is, the whole nation of Chinese People is the victim of losing their country reputation and fellows in this Tibetan Riot.

Why the Chinese Government has to hire the western PR company? On the contrary, they should hire Chinese PR company to make an apology clearly and rebuild up and repair the “relationship” with China and the Chinese People.

Is there any reasons for the Chinese Government to hire the western PR company if the Chinese does nothing wrong?

I strongly oppose the thought to do this. (Learn this from the Chinese Diplomatic Ministry).

First, this means the Chinese Government is not confident enough in its management of Chinese own affairs and confronting the international blackmails.

Second, it will betray the overseas and domestic 1.4 billion Chinese. It is a regression of Qing Dynasty, which was bitten and had to apologize to the international bullies.

Third, if the Chinese Government to do that, this means the Chinese Government has no confidence in its own people. It is still blindly trust the westerners, even though they want to conquer China and revert the Chinese Government. It is called “introducing wolves to the home.”

Forth, if the Chinese Government to do that, those western countries will force the Government as agent to force the brave and wakening Chinese people to be anesthetized and sacrifice more to foot the bills for the western countries’ economic and political crisis.

Fifth, as sovereign country with enough nuclear weapons and brave and diligent people shouldn’t yield to any blackmail, unfriendly sabotages and libeling from any interest group and hegemonies.

Whoever to do this in the Chinese Government should step down. We will elect a new President of China!
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