
Review--We Need A Sweeping-out Boycott!!!

(2008-04-19 23:34:44) 下一个
Sarkozy Is Still Lying in Bathtub to Dictate the Chinese Ambassador

We need to take Carrefour as a contra-example for those anti-Chinese countries. We have to let those countries learn a big lesson from Frankie. The boycott to Carrefour in China should be carrying on until the company announcing closing its operation and quit from China. This will carve an inerasable memory on those varieties of international evil crowns and speculators.

We are boycotting Carrefour and we need a result from this boycott. Either Sarkozy walked out of his office to apologize to the humiliated Chinese People and Olympic Spirit directly and clearly, or we need a boycott result—that is a sweeping-out boycott. Carrefour should shut door and leave.

We don’t need a war with any countries, but we have our own right to execute our will to punish any evil challengers. We know Carrefour is the scapegoat of France because its president’s nonsense comments on Tibetan independence and his speculation, plus some of the Frankie’s violent attitudes and behaviors to the Chinese French.

Supposedly, Sarkozy wanted to build up his international fame as soon as possible, now we will let him lose his face completely and will warn other future potential speculations of beasts on the Chinese kindness.

Against his wrong attitude to the Chinese People and the crown speculation mindset, we don’t need to carry him through the mess he created by himself, a crown, having made wrong calculations on the boycott of Beijing Olympics.

To this kind of crown level speculator, we save his face he would never appreciate that. He will think we are stupid and weak.

Now it is time to show our muscle and will to punish any anti-China performances.

This sweeping-out boycott to French Carrefour will give a strong warning and signal to those countries, which want to utilize Beijing Olympics by agitating their people and athletes to protest at Beijing Olympics open and close ceremonies. This sweeping-out boycott will urge the anti-Chinese countries to forbid their own athletes to wear any Tibetan Independence slogans and logos to enter China.

The signal is strong that we won’t be like before to indulge any Chinese-bashing behaviors, the Chinese People cannot be humiliated freely any more. Whoever does that again, they will pay big price. Who dose that, he will face to face with the any kind of punishment by all means.

Let’s keep boycotting until French Carrefour to be closed in China.

Until now French President Sakozy hasn’t step out to give the Chinese People and Government a sincere apology yet. He still insists that the Chinese Government needs to have a dialogue with the rioters and Dalai, a gigantic international puppet of anti-Chinese governments. Sarkozy’s opinion imposed a very bad influence on the impression of French to the Chinese.

This is a severe incident of interfering the domestic affairs of China. And Chinese People never did anything to harm French and its government.

Our boycotting hasn’t met any of goals yet! Shall we keep going on?

We need a victory right before Olympics. We need a sacrifice to worship the Olympic Spirit, fair competition and participation. If we let the Frankie alone, that is not fair. They already stabbed behind Beijing Olympics and us and challenged the Chinese People’s dignity.

Carrefour is the best target from an arrogantly and ignorantly unfriendly country to Beijing Olympics and the Chinese People. We have to grant a head-on smash over its president and its stupidly ignorance and arrogance.

Its president is still in his bathtub and giving a lecture about human rights and free press to the Chinese Ambassador.

Just a boycott is not enough; we need a sweeping-out boycott. A sweeping-out boycott against Carrefour is at excellent timing before Beijing Olympics. This sweeping-out boycott against Carryfour is also a strategy to preempt any sabotage and vicious propaganda at the open and close ceremonies of Beijing Olympic.

But remember no matter what no violence in this sweeping-out boycott!

We, the Chinese People are human and civilized and different from those beasts. Peaceful and rational boycott will help us win the reputation and dignity. Otherwise we will lose and the boycott will be used again to be against the Chinese People.

The most significant of this sweeping-out boycott is: that we will not indulge Sarkozy to dictate the Chinese Ambassador on human rights and free press.
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