(2008-03-21 13:22:55)
--- 少数族裔通过跨族裔婚姻表明自己融入了主流社会
--- 多数族裔通过跨族裔婚姻表明抛弃种族主义
--- 在美国长大的人比起新移民跨族裔婚姻比例更高,且有加速的趋势,说明美国社会的确具有熔炉的作用
--- 日益增多的混血一代展现了反种族主义的成果,在各种舞台上展现了自己的优势
--- 移民目的 新移民为了绿卡而结婚很普遍,有纯粹的钱或性交易,也有夹杂交易和感情的“弄假成真”,但原动力都是为了留在美国
--- 经济目的 对比新移民和少数族裔,美国本土出生、欧洲裔白人无疑占有社会和经济优越性,这种优越性不光体现在婚姻的形成之时,也延伸到婚姻之中
--- 性动力 当代人追求物质享受,性在婚姻中的重要性提高了。跨族裔对部分人来讲更能满足性需求,跨族裔同居比例便大大高于跨族裔婚姻
--- 文化冲突 存在于族群之间的文化差异进入了家庭,处置不当便易于成为冲突
--- 非洲裔男子跨族裔婚姻比例大大高于非洲裔女子(2.5:1),原因可能是
. 其它族裔对非洲裔女子的肤色比对男子更在意
. 非洲裔男子的性能力被认为较强
--- 亚裔女子跨族裔婚姻比例大大高于亚裔男子(3.1:1),原因可能是
. 其它族裔对亚裔男子的身材比对女子更在意
. 亚裔女子的性格被认为较柔顺
--- 拉美裔男女跨族裔婚姻比例相当,原因可能是
. 拉美裔从种族上和欧洲裔接近
--- 跨族裔婚姻几乎一边倒地存在于少数族裔和多数族裔之间(93%),原因可能是
. 社会经济因素使得跨族裔婚姻中有一方应属于比较强势的群体
. 多数族裔具有文化习俗的强势地位,容易让他们的少数族裔配偶而不是他们自己调整习俗,而同为少数族裔的跨族裔夫妇之间更难向对方的文化习俗妥协
--- 白人跨族裔婚姻比例2%,非洲裔6%,最多是亚裔13%,原因可能是
. 欧洲裔白人种族优越感最强
. 除了本族裔,白人男子较喜欢亚裔女子
. 部分亚裔更加欣赏美式文明,相对来说拉丁裔西亚裔南亚裔对自己族裔的依附性较强
回复laojie的评论: Different groups do have different expectation on marriage, but "want everything" is overstating. It is saying that American girl are diversified with various requests, some may be even bizarre, while other groups have more foreseeable behavior. Diversification can be good if not accompanied with unstable.
When picking your another half, it should take into account both you can get and give to the marriage. You are not choosing a commodity but designing your life. Tall or short is just one feature that is overvalued. It's only 5% difference from 170cm to 180cm while other differences influence your future more.
But I always thought it's Asian men who are picky on women -- American women are less "wify". Am I wrong? Sometime ago, an American boy told me about a song, it goes roughly like "French girls want this, Chinese girls want that......." Guess what, "American girls want everything you can possibly imagine" Are they too demanding? Educate me please.
Let me also add one thing: In America, tall people do havesome advantages. Your husband is 6'3'' which puts him in a good position -- he probably is confident about his height throughout his life. Short men in America are more likely wanting tall women. This is something I observed.
Yes, agree. A lot of men like petite lady, but few like small men. See, it's unfair for us :)
--Let's see. I am 5 foot 3(160cm) and I like tall men - call me shallow. When I lived in China, I liked a guy who was 180cm. He liked me all that but he thought I was a little too short for him. After I moved to America I met my current husband who is 6 foot 3. He told me he likes Asian women because we are petite. He does not like tall women - he just does not find them sexy.
So - they do care about 亚裔女子身材 but they have different opinions on what beauty is.
---Lunch break gossip.