

(2008-03-30 14:47:49) 下一个

I liked Amanda, a sunny, fashionably beautiful girl with a bit ofspoiled edge. and I'd say, Amanda, I like you pin so much, that Ialmost feel like robbing it. She'd say, I'd give it to you for $100bucks (a $2 one from flea market). I say, well it's your robbing then.And we'd laugh...

Was caught by Amanda in the corridor thursday afternoon,

and said: hey, K, you know I'm leaving.

I said, what? why?!

she said: because I kept getting sxxx from her (the boss).

I said, I knew,(she cried a couple of times because of that), but Ithought you didn't take it personally. and you know she's such kind ofperson, I thought you were OK with it.

She said: how can I be OK with it? it's fxxxing killing my spirit,and distroying my confidence. and it's so sad to see everyone's nervouswhen she's around. It's so unhealthy. I can't work with someone with somuch hatred in the heart...

It suddenly make me think how much more self-consciousness she hadas an individual, at least compare to me. I've had issues too with theboss's weary nature, and moody temper, but all I think of is that she'ssuch kind of person, she cannot help it, and I shall not take itpersonally.

It may counts for the facts that the western people do have more self consciousness as individuals than the oriental folks?

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