
Albert Zhou MBA、CFP 资深保险理财顾问 416-834-9204 www.azfinancial.ca


(2007-11-29 21:18:42) 下一个


保险公司21st CenturyETFSTravel UnderwriterT.I.C.
既有病保障85岁以下, 如果在生效前180天病情稳定.79岁以下, 如果在生效前120天病情稳定.79岁以下, 如果在生效前120天病情稳定.在生效前180天, 没有处方药, 医疗及住院.
等待期85岁以下, 如果在到达加拿大30天之内购买, 72小时的等待期; 如果超过30天购买, 7天的等待期. 对于86岁以上的老人, 15天的等待期.85岁以下, 48小时的等待期; 对于86岁以上的老人, 15天的等待期.任何年龄, 如果在到达加拿大60 (含60)天之内购买, 48小时的等待期; 如果超过60天购买, 7天的等待期. 48小时
垫底费85岁及以下, $50 每sickness,. 86岁及以上, $500每次.85岁及以下, $0/$50. 86岁及以上, 每次探亲总的垫底费$500.基于报价$0. $100垫底费, 有5%折扣.$500垫底费有15%的折扣.$1000的垫底费有25%的折扣.基本计划, $50可选计划: $0.
航空险及意外险没有航空险: 同保额.航空险: $25,00024小时意外险:$25,000可选计划有$25,000的意外保险.
医学问卷70-85岁之间, 如果需要保障已有的疾病或者80岁以上, 都需要询问医疗问题.不需要不需要71-85岁之间, 保额在$100,000以上的; 或者86岁以上; 或者任何年龄, 但需要保障已有的疾病, 都需要询问医疗问题.
加拿大境外保障只要在加拿大滞留的时间有超过50%, 保障所有国家, 除了自己的来源国外.(对于中国人, 除中国外, 其他国家都保.)只要在加拿大滞留的时间有超过50%, 保障所有国家, 除了自己的来源国外.(对于中国人, 除中国外, 其他国家都保.)只要在加拿大滞留的时间有超过50%, 保障所有国家, 除了自己的来源国外.(对于中国人, 除中国外, 其他国家都保.)只要在加拿大滞留的时间有超过50%, 保障所有国家, 除了自己的来源国外.(对于中国人, 除中国外, 其他国家都保.)
取消$50在生效期以前, 不收任何费用; 在那以后, $40的费用; 净费用少于$10的, 不会归还.在生效期以前, 不收任何费用; 在那以后, $50的费用; (需要至少还有45天的未使用的天数.)$20如果全部归还. $50部分归还. 净费用少于$10的, 不会归还.
特别计划N/A最多保障$500的针灸; 计算保费以申请日开始而不是生效日开始.(所以对于那些处于年龄段界限处的如过提前申请有时可以节省不少保费)保障最多达$3,000的怀孕,生小孩及因此产生的并发的费用(Maternity Benefit). 条件是要发生在生生产的前9周以内并且是在保险生效以后怀孕的.N/A
延期在可以网上随时申请如果没有申报过什么费用, 在保险失效7天内随时申请; 如果有申报过任何费用, 可以打电话申请, 并需要批准.如果没有申报过什么费用, 在保险失效7天内随时申请; 如果有申报过任何费用, 可以打电话申请, 并需要批准..如果没有申报过任何费用, 随时在网上申请.


团体: $430/年N/A


保险公司21st CenturyETFSTravel UnderwriterT.I.C.
医疗问卷55-75岁之间, 旅游超过30天; 或者76-79岁.55岁及以上, 都需要问卷调查后决定否可保及保费.70岁以上需要回答一个问题以决定能不能受保.60岁以上, 旅游超过60天; 或者想买包括已有疾病的保险.
垫底费00$2500.$230(55岁以上, 需要医疗问卷调查的.)
已有疾病保障对于PLAN B, 55岁以下或者55-75岁, 旅游30天以内的; 55-75岁, 旅游31天以上的, 并适合优先保费的; 或者75岁以上适合优先保费54岁及以下, 病情在离开加拿大前6个月稳定的(有些病要求要稳定12个月). 但心肌梗塞不保.1. 55岁及以下, 旅行时间28天及以内, 除了在启程前的7天内得的病, 其他疾病都保.2. 55岁及以下,如果旅行时间在28天以上, 在启程前90天内保持稳定的疾病都保.3. 对于56-59岁, 14天及以内的行程, 除了在启程前的7天内得的病, 其他疾病都保.4. 对于56-59岁,如果行程在14天以上, 所保疾病必须在启程前180天内是稳定的.5. 对于70-89岁的, 所保疾病只限于在启程前365天内稳定的疾病.70岁以下, 35天行程以内, 所有疾病都保;36天行程以上或者年龄在71以上, 病情须在过去180天内保持稳定.

comparision on the features of different products

visitor to Canada

Company21st Century ETFSTravel UnderwriterT.I.C.
Pre-existing coverageFor ages 85and under, yes .If stable 180days before effective dateFor age 79 and under, Yes. If stable 120days before effective dateFor age 79and under, Yes. If stable 120 days before effective dateSickness, injury or medical consultation, medical treatment or hospitalization within 180days preceding the effective date
Waiting periodFor age 85 and under, if purchases within 30 days of arrival, 72 hours waiting period. If purchase after 30days, 7days waiting; for age 86 and older, 15 days waiting.For age 85 or under, purchase anytime after arrival, 48 hours waiting period, age 86 and over, 15 days waiting period.Any age, if purchase within 60 days of arrival, 48 hours waiting period, if purchase 61 days or more after arrival, 7 days waiting period.. 48 hours waiting period
DeductibleAge 85 and under, $50 per sickness; age 86 and above, $500 per sickness.Age 85 and under, $0/$50deductible;, Age 86 and above, $500 per cover trip..$0deducctible on rate sheet; but 5%off for $100deductible; 15%off for $500 deductible; 25%for $1000 deductible $50 for basic plan; $0 for select plan
Air flight &AD&DNot coveredcover Air flight accident up to sum insuredCover$25,000 air flight accident and $25,000 for 24 hours AD&D$25,000 AD&D for select plan
Medical questionnaireAge 70-85, if require pre-existing covered; or age 80 and aboveNo medical questionnaireRequiredNo medical questionnaireRequiredAge 71-85 requires $100,000 or more of coverage; age 86 or over; any age requires pre-existing coverage
Travel outside of CanadaCover anywhere traveling except own country, provided more than 50% time in CanadaCover anywhere traveling except own country, provided more than 50% time in CanadaCover anywhere traveling except own country, provided more than 50% time in CanadaCover anywhere traveling except own country, provided more than 50% time in Canada
Cancellation$50No charge before effective date;$40 after; net amount less than $10 will not be refundNo charge before effective date;$50after; require 45 days remains unused on the policy$20 for full refund; $50 for partial refund; Net amount less than $10 will not be refund
Follow up visit No specified limitNo specified limitMax. $3,000No follow up for basic plan; up to 2 visits for select plan
Minimum Premium$25$25$15Minimum 10 days
Claim Request physician signatureBelow $1,000,around 2-3 weeks processingBelow $1,000,around 2-3 weeks processingRequest physician signature and report
Special featuresN/ACover Acupuncture up to $500; Calculate premium base on application date not effective dateCover maternity benefit up to $3,000 for pregnancy, childbirth and complications thereof in the last 9 weeks of the expected date of delivery provided the pregnancy commenced after effective dateN/A
ExtensionProcess online anytimeIf no claim, process online within 7 days before policy expire; if have claim, call to extend, subject to approvalIf no claim, process online within 7 days before policy expire and signature for no claim statement required. If has claim, call broker service line to get extension, subject to approvalProcess online if there is no previous claim

International Student Plan


$1.5/day; $3.75/family$1.45/day
$547.50/year; $1,368.75/family$470/year
Group: $438/yearN/A

Canadian travel outside of Canada

Company21st CenturyETFSTravel UnderwriterT.I.C.
Medical questionnaireAge 55 to 75, travel more than 30 days; or 76-79 travel with any length.Age 55 and above, need questionnaire to determine the qualification and rateAge 60 and above, need medical questionnaire to determine the qualification and rateOver age 60,traveling longer than 60 days; or wanting to ensure pre-existing covered
Minimum premium$20$25$15$16
Deductible 00$250 deductible on rate sheet; 15% surcharge for $0 deductible;5% off for $500 deductible;10% off for $1000 deductible;20% off for $2000 deductible;30% off for $5000 deductible$0;$230 for 55 and above who need medical questionnaire
Pre-existing coverageAge under 55 or age 55-75 traveling 30 days or less for plan B; Age 55 to 75 traveling 31 days or more qualified for preferred rate; or age 76 and older qualified for preferred rateFor age 54 and under, sickness stable for 6 months prior to departure date (some sickness require 12 months stable); Congestive heart failure will not be covered For age 59 year and under, on trip 35 days and less will be covered except for conditions where symptom arose within 7 days prior to departure; if on trip over 35 days, any condition remained stable in the 90 days prior to departure. For age 60-89, on all trips providing the condition was stable in the 365 days prior to the commencement date of a covered trip.Age 70 and under, travel up to 35 days will be covered. Required 180 days stable if age 70 and under, travel 36 days or more and age 71 and over for trips of any duration


Albert Zhou, MBA, CFP

TEL: 416-834-9204


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