
为孩子和LG做饭, 心里喜欢他们吃饭的样子...

老二的小文 -- 和爸爸打羽毛球

(2010-05-07 13:24:52) 下一个

The Birdie

 Ellen, 3rd grade

I gazed into the distance at the sunset. The sunlight shimmered. The hazy pink and orange sunset looked peaceful with the sun peering through the black branches of the walnut tree. I turned and picked up the racket’s black-leather handle. I tossed the birdie in the air and whoosh, I smacked it with my racket. My dad hit the small red cylinder connected the white web of the birdie. The birdie veered to the right because the breeze came, so I lunged. I didn’t get it, but then when I stopped so fast, with so much force, I sat down hard, slid down the hill and dropped my racket on my way. I grabbed at the long, green blades of grass, they slowed me down, but they did not stop me. Dad came over the hill. I could see he was stifling a laugh. “Dad,” I scolded, playfully. I stood up and brushed off my jeans, and ascended up the hill, picked up my racket and started to play badminton. It was a serene afternoon, I wish could last forever.

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心怡厨房 回复 悄悄话 谢谢有情阿姨和晴天阿姨的夸奖。 孩子们和爸妈玩最高兴.
安娜晴天 回复 悄悄话 文章写得真好,可见母亲的功夫和爱了。祝母亲节快乐,一家子快乐健康,万事顺利~~~

万水千山也有情 回复 悄悄话 妹妹的文章写得很生动!
