
为孩子和LG做饭, 心里喜欢他们吃饭的样子...

Camping 2011 – 到山里去! Gorham, NH

(2011-07-12 18:07:33) 下一个

7/1 – 7/4. Ballroom Dancing Group, six families, 6 kids, 12 adults 

NH – “Live Free or Die”
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The Old Man of the Mountain (右上角), 老二发现两座山交界处形成半个心. Good finding!
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Hiked in the woods, and played hours in the rocky river.
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这哪是野营, 明明是腐败嘛.
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S'more, 孩子们的最爱!
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雨中又爬 Indian Head. Thank you XR for this beautiful picture!
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The Basin
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Franconia Notch , Ellen took this picture:
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Echo Lake
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Thank you all for the wonderful time together!

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