劳资关系的英文是Industry Relations 或Workplace Relations.
劳资关系法的英文全称是 Workplace Relations Act (Legislation)
在2006年3月份以后,现政府通过了新的劳资关系法,全称WorkplaceRelations Legistlation March 2006(以下简称新劳资关系法)。
到现在为止,现政府已经花了$120Million 去宣传,推销这个法律 。
在2006年3月份以前,使用的法律主要是WorkplaceRelations Act 1996(以下简称旧劳资关系法)。
2006年以前 | 2006年以后(WorkChoices) |
1. Classifications of employees and skill‑based career paths | |
2. Ordinary time hours of work and the times within which they are performed, rest breaks, notice periods and variations to working hours | Ordinary Hours |
3. Rates of pay generally (such as hourly rates and annual salaries), rates of pay for juniors, trainees or apprentices, and rates of pay for employees under the supported wage system | Minimum Pay |
4. Incentive‑based payments (other than tallies in the meat industry), piece rates and bonuses | GONE |
5. Annual leave and leave loadings | Annual Leave |
6. Long service leave | |
7. Personal/carer’s leave, including sick leave, family leave, bereavement leave, compassionate leave, cultural leave and other like forms of leave | Personal/Carer’s Leave and Compassionate Leave |
8. Parental leave, including maternity and adoption leave | Parental Leave - maternity, paternity and adoption |
9. Public holidays | |
10. Allowances | |
11. Loadings for working overtime or for casual or shift work | |
12. Penalty rates | |
13. Redundancy pay | |
14. Notice of termination | |
15. Stand‑down provisions | |
16. Dispute settling procedures | |
17. Jury service | |
18. Type of employment, such as full‑time employment, casual employment, regular part‑time employment and shift work | |
19. Superannuation | Superannuation |
20. Pay and conditions for outworkers, but only to the extent necessary to ensure that their overall pay and conditions of employment are fair and reasonable in comparison with the pay and conditions of employment specified in a relevant award or awards for employees who perform the same kind of work at an employer’s business or commercial premises | |
4.UnfairDismissal (不公平解雇)条例的改变
只要公司的雇员人数多于15人,你在被老板解雇时,如果觉得不公平,就可以把老板告上Industrial Relations Commission 和他打官司。索取赔偿。
这条条例的名称改为:Unlawful Dismissal(非法解雇)+ Unfair Dismissal
Unlawful Dismissal 意味着你要和你的公司进行法律程序来寻求赔偿,也就意味着你要请律师到法庭来打官司了。
Unfair Dismissal 是对雇员人数多于100人(101+)的公司,被解雇的员工才可以引用。
少于100人的公司,如果你觉得被不公平解雇,你只能走人或者引用UnlawfulDismissal 的条例。
5.根据OEA (Office of the Employment Advocate)的调查
6.根据Syd U 的调查:在WorkChoices下,工人每周减少收入$106
7.工会的Your Rights at Work的运动
在新法律通过后,工会首先意识到这个法律会对广大劳工阶层造成经济上的巨大损失,工会就组织了很多次声势浩大的游行,广告,张贴。不光只是对工会会员,还影响到了社会的每一个阶层。根据一项调查,40%的人说他们或他们周围的人受到了WorkChoices 的影响
首先,现在签了AWA 合同的人基本上来自服务性行业和矿山工人。政府工作人员,大公司的人员还没有波及,因为他们也在观望。 毕竟,把所有人的合同转换一次要花很多钱的