在1838年1月,怀着对新生活的梦想,口袋里仅仅揣着几磅钞票的苏格兰人托马斯Chirnside离开他的家园,从利物浦来到了悉尼。1941年,托马斯的兄弟安德鲁,也跟随托马斯来到了那里。他们想在澳大利亚的北部和南部购买土地(在温德姆Wyndham包括几个火车站和8万英亩的土地),后来托马斯就选择了在那里定居,安德鲁则在斯基普顿的卡里巴纳克(Carranballac, Skipton)购置了50000英亩土地作为了他的家。
In January 1838 the Scotsman, Thomas Chirnside, left his homeland and sailed from Liverpool to Sydney with only a few pounds in his pocket and the dream of a new life. Thomas’ brother, Andrew, followed this quest and joined Thomas in 1941. Together they wondered the North and South of Australia buying land including several train stations and an 80,000 acreage of land in Wyndham. It was here Thomas settled while Andrew made his home on 50,000 acres at Carranballac, Skipton.

Thomas Chirnside
1845年,托马斯回到苏格兰看望家人,他爱上了他的表妹玛丽(Mary Begbie)。他想娶Mary Begbie,但女方的父母不赞成,无奈他只能单独回到了澳大利亚。后来,安德鲁也回了一次家乡。在安德鲁启程之前,托马斯请安德鲁将玛丽带回来,孰料在1852年安德鲁回来时,带来的玛丽竟然成为了他自己的妻子!
Thomas sailed back to Scotland to see his family in 1845 where he fell in love with his cousin Mary Begbie. He asked for her hand in marriage but her parents did not approve and so he sailed back to Australia alone. It was then Andrew’s turn to make a visit to his homeland. Before Andrew set off Thomas asked Andrew to bring Mary back with him. In 1852 Andrew returned with Mary as his own wife!
到了19世纪70年代,托马斯在温德姆建造了一个有60间居室的意大利风格的豪宅(现在被称为Werribee公园大厦),那时,安德鲁和玛丽,他们已经有了3个孩子,而托马斯则居住在附近的点库克(Point Cook),他养殖牛和进口纯血统的母马和公马,狐狸,野兔,野鸡,鹧鸪和马鹿。托马斯是一个优秀的饲马人,1874年他的一匹名为哈里科特的马还曾赢得了“墨尔本杯”。
By the 1870s, on his property in Wyndham, Thomas built a 60 – room Italian style mansion, now known as Werribee Park Mansion, for Andrew and Mary and they’re 3 children. Meanwhile Thomas lived in his nearby property in Point Cook, he bred cattle and imported bloodstock including mares and stallions, foxes, hares, pheasants, partridges and red deer. Thomas was an excellent judge of horses and in 1874 his horse Haricot had won the Melbourne Cup.
1883年,托马斯捐赠了一英亩土地,在上面建立了Werribee的第一个被称为“ 使徒圣. 托马斯” 的教会。在他的最后几年里,Thomas Chirnside就居住在Werribee公园的豪宅里,也就在那里他得了忧郁症。1887年6月25日,托马斯悲伤地结束了自己的生命,将一切留给了他的弟弟安德鲁和他的侄子。三年之后的1890年,安德鲁也离开了人世,将所有的财产留给他的两个儿子乔治和约翰·珀西。
In 1883 Thomas donated an acre of land and built the first church in Werribee to be known as St Thomas the Apostle. In his last few years Thomas Chirnside took up residence in his mansion at Werribee Park where he fell sick and depressed. On June 25th 1887 Thomas sadly took his own life, leaving everything to his brother Andrew and his nephews. Only three years later, in 1890, Andrew passed leaving the property to his two sons, George and John Percy.
两兄弟体育酒吧 -- 纪念托马斯和安德鲁Chirnside的生活和时代
The Two Brothers Sports Bar stands in memory of the life and times of Thomas and Andrew Chirnside