
好雨知时节,当春乃发生, 随风潜入夜, 润物细无声

What is the attribute of true love?

(2012-02-24 22:41:49) 下一个
If it is only between the two, who knows what really happened? May be, one of them rejected an offer already, hurt the other, later on blame the other for not coming along. The the two clearly have a disagreement. If it is a real love, why cannot it be made public? Why one has to say I love you under a fake name? and deny that fact in front of the other or in front of the world? Is it a love to the beloved or a love shown to the so-called public, or peers? Who gains, who is hurt in such a business? Love is a voluntary matter, its condition is most high. Only when a heart feels true love from the other,the exchange of love happens between two hearts. True love would never accept the condition of being despised by anybody.
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