1. Poppy:

2. Crab Apple:

3. Cranberry (not the type for eat):

4. Fall color of Boston Ivy:

5. Tulip:

6. Tulip:

7. Bleeding Heart:

8. Tulip:

9. Iris:

10.焰火(Meadow Rue):

11. Correl Bells (attract lot of Humming birds):

12. Lupine:

13. Diathus:

14. Diathus:

15. Diathus:

16. Lily:

17. Thyme:

18. Alcea rosea “Chater’s Double”:

19. Alcea rosea “Chater’s Double”:

20. Alcea rosea “Chater’s Double”:

21. Alcea rosea “Chater’s Double”: