
“你是条龙, 到哪都是条龙”“你是条虫, 在讲也是虫”‘学会好武艺, HUO (卖)于帝王家”兄弟要齐心, 小了, 齐家, 大了, 安邦.

美国前总统 富特去世, CME Globex 为纪念他, 交易时间有所调整.

(2007-01-01 14:30:03) 下一个
This is a Message From: GLOBEX Control Center

Effect Date: Mon January 1, 2007 04:15 pm CST

Message: On Tuesday, January 2, 2007 the CME Globex Products will have the
following modified schedule to honor the passing of former President Gerald

CME Globex Equities will close early for trading at 08:15 CT for trade date
January 2, 2007. CME Globex Equities will open regularly as scheduled at
15:30 CT on January 2, 2007 for trade date January 3, 2007.

CME Globex Foreign Exchange and Interest Rate Products will close early at
12:00 CT for trade date January 2, 2007. CME Globex Foreign Exchange and
Interest Rate Products will open regularly as scheduled at 17:00 CT on
January 2, 2007 for trade date January 3, 2007.

CME Globex Weather, Housing, Ethanol and Fertilizer will close early at
12:00 CT for trade date January 2, 2007. These products will open at their
regularly scheduled times for trade date January 3, 2007.

CME Globex Commodities, ETFs, TRAKRS and Dairy will remain closed. These
products will open at their regularly scheduled times for trade date January
3, 2007.

NYMEX & COMEX Products on CME Globex will follow their normal trading hours
for trade date January 2, 2007.

If you have any questions, please call the CME Globex Control Center at 312-
456-2391 or in Europe at 44-207-623-4708.

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