最近又开始听音乐。现在正在听 Mary Black。还未雨绸缪地整了个 Michael Buble 的圣诞专辑以备假日期间增添气氛。
最近和小宝贝儿一起狂看 Doctor Who。每天做完作业至少看一集,他还动不动给我个小测验,比如 Doctor 是那个星球来的。虽然有些剧情少许武力 - 这里自责一下!- 但还是好过看那些无聊加广告的美国儿童电视节目。
还有就是侦探小说已经看到意大利去了。有一个 Montalbano 系列,作者是 Andrea C什么什么的,还拍有电视剧。
So before I sign off there is something like really inappropriate I have to record. It was all because of the food poisoning I had last night. So while I was parking on the potty with my tummy turning itself into a nasty knot with sound effect, a phrase came into my mind. You'd never guessed what the phrase was.
Okay i I will tell you. It's 荡气回肠。tuck it in into the back of your mind and next time you are unlucky as me to have a diarrhea or something, you will see what I mean. Live & lean!
ciao -