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what we watched on new year\'s eve

(2008-01-01 21:10:17) 下一个

Flight of Conchords - a show on HBO. it's HILARIOUS. It's about this New Zealand singing/comedian duo.

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xiaopingzer 回复 悄悄话 近来可好?
chic 回复 悄悄话 Glad you liked them too!

To Ms. Smith - yes I think they have certain (presumably New Zealand) accents. One singer's name is Bret, and in some episodes, when he told people his name, they all thought his name is Brit - because of the way he pronounced it.
agentsmith 回复 悄悄话 haha, 2 minutes, hehe, so funny, thanks for sharing!

BTW, they don't have New Zealand accent?
xiaopingzer 回复 悄悄话 歌词和唱腔以及表演都挺逗的。谢谢分享!