2006 (101)
2007 (60)
2010 (1)
2013 (4)
2015 (1)
2018 (1)
so i mentioned before that the old lady who sits next to me is deemed as a national resource.
however, as far as i can tell, she's not much more useful than an administration assistant. (i know this is an insult to the admin folks but what can i do.)
for example, when she's in the office, she's constantly on the phone, and saying something like this: mr. stupid a has a window on the night of the thursday one year from now, so we will need to do now is to find out if mr. stupid b is available at that time as well.
this morning, i kid you not, i heard her talking to someone who's supposedly to be the head of our company's big brainy department, and she said: this may be revolutionary, but have you thought about doing sametime?
i mean, isnt this dilbert-worthy material?
i bet you they pay her tons of money too.
sucky sucky sucky.
i'm in a bad mood because 2 cubes down sits this woman who's the loudest person ever who works in a confined environment.
i dont know who she aims to impress or please, since clearly her husband doesnt work in this company, when she makes all those orgasmic throaty laughing-ish noises.
flirt appropriately, if you must, with style.
maybe if i stare at her long and hard enough, these words will start to be drilled into her.
ragey ragey ragey.
俺诚恳地承认:江山易改,可是俺的 rage issue 难移 :(
我有时脾气上来时,恨不得 grab an ax and smack people,幸好我一没斧头,二就是有也拎不动!:)
So, chic, your anger management recovery plan goes like this-- calm down, take a breathe, and then say this to yourself:
世界如此美妙,我却如此暴躁,这样不好,这样不好!---郭芙蓉 武林外传