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My love affair with books

(2006-11-01 09:21:36) 下一个

There are so many good books to be read, sometimes you don't know where they are, more often you wonder when you will ever be able to sit down to start reading.

And anytime I pick up a book, I think about the other books that I didn't pick up: what am I missing? Maybe the other book is better.

Probably because I lived in the suburbs, I bought my books online. Invariably, I chase after the hot ones - top one hundred, staff's pick, other people's book lists. A lot of times, the books bought this way disappointed me. They are fresh with the ink smell, sent directly to my door step. In the meantime I had to think real hard about what drove me buy them in the first place.

I missed the thrills of putting my fingers on the book spines in a book store. Randomly picking up an innocuous book and carelessly walk into a chest of treasure. When that happens, I always clung that book to my body, grasping it so hard in fear of other people noticing my steal. It's almost as if I dreamed about a treasure hunt and wake up to find the treasure is for real.

Such ecstasy.

Now that I began my urban living chapter, I rejoice, once again, at the pleasure of bookstore hopping.

I bought piles and piles of off-the-beaten-path books and having been reading them one page, one book at a time. There always seem to be more books to be read than what I have finished and that makes me H A P P Y.

Recent reads

Feeding frenzy

It's a book about two friends eating three star Michelin restaurants across Europe in one month (thereabout), one restaurant at a night, 30 or so in a row. Quite a fun read. I wonder if you can use this book as some sort of a European eating guide. The speed eating I have to admit is a bit off putting. Didn't some wise person say that a good thing is a thing that is NOT in abundance?

The quality of life report

If you think your life is perfect and would want to depress youself a little, read this book. Unfortunately since I don't fall into this category, reading this book is a clear mistake. How awful!

Seven stairs

This is a queer book. It's about a person and his bookstore. Although I identify with the writer's zeal and love of all things bookish, I find it repulsive that he's somewhat heartless in terms of things human. Maybe he only has limited reserves of compassion, and the books used his all.

Rumpole and the primrose path

Comfort read. Mild witty mystery. Enjoyable.

Misadventure of Maria O'Mara

Only just started this AM. Seems fun. Most possibly a chick-lit. Will keep you posted.

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