
Living in the now. And the best is yet to come.
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Blogging away – pure gibberish

(2005-12-15 22:02:09) 下一个

(Read at your own risk.)


I can’t sleep. As of this moment.


I can’t sleep because I had pots and pots of tea.


I had pots and pots of tea because I had one of my headaches.


Every so often I get one of my creepy phantom-like headaches. They are not real pain-shrieking headaches, I rarely get those.


My kind of headache creeps on me, out of blue, and it lingers – like a bad dream. I can still function but the headache sticks to me like a dirty piece of scrap glued to the sole of my shoes in a cold rainy day.


Usually if I’m at work and I have my headache, I’ll send myself home. Most of the times that clears things up. But since I was at home already, I sent myself to bed. And when I couldn’t lie in bed anymore, I got out of bed and I started to have tea. Lots and lots of tea. And I ate some, one tiny bit at a time. And I watched my comfort TV. So I watched Britcoms non-stop with free-flowing tea for 3 hours.


My headache was finally subdued. But my sleep was gone too.

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阅读 ()评论 (12)
chic 回复 悄悄话 i actually thought about that (migraine) myself but didnt think i "fit the bill". anyhow i'm good as new now : ) Cheer~
hzhou68 回复 悄悄话 could be migraine..
chic 回复 悄悄话 嘻嘻,nymph同学表这么一针见血 ;)

nymph 回复 悄悄话 小心你的BMI,嘻嘻。
chic 回复 悄悄话 then we can be sleepless sisters :D

这就是馋嘴的代价 555

BTW,我从 NETFLIX 借的 CLOSER 过一两天就到了,可以头脑清醒地从头看到尾了这次 :)
nymph 回复 悄悄话 poor thing, but you were not alone tonight. i had too much coffee, and became sleepless as well.

take care.
