
Living in the now. And the best is yet to come.
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(2005-12-12 21:13:34) 下一个

Vlog = vedio log.


What you never heard of it? Tsk tsk tsk..(now you leave me no choice but judging you without telling you. Hmmm.)


Haha just kidding!~


I only just found out about this “phenomenon” a couple of days ago (from new york times)


Ever so curious I went and checked out two vlog sites that were mentioned on the paper. I thought this one Rocketboom is really good! I’ve already book-marked it.


The other one that I checked out is called Scratch Vedio. It’s really just a regular blog – vediolized.


Anyhow I want to be entertained!

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chic 回复 悄悄话 well, 1) it was past midnight, 2) my Word didnt redline/greenline me, 3) so i got sloppy and 4) yeah my english sucks. you happy now?

;) so as a morning exercise (and hopefully with a clearer head), i'll try to see if i can pick out all the worms:

"vedio" - i have no idea why i keep spelling this word wrong, all the frigging time. there are only 5 letters in it! Okay - vIdEo

grammar - what you mean? the inconsistence of the tense of verbs?

"leave me no choice but" TO ...

what else??
palmrest 回复 悄悄话 Dude, u made so many grammar and spelling errors here.