
Living in the now. And the best is yet to come.
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(2005-10-31 19:31:45) 下一个

事先声明一下哈,我不是摄影爱好者,所以纯粹瞎照一气。要取得最佳视觉效果,欣赏时请务必保持端正的心态 - 期望值务必保持在零或以下。哈哈。


窗外 - 我房间的,不是琼瑶的 ;)
















鸟瞰 [玻璃顶的是 SPA,明天晚上去微服出访 ;) ]






















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chic 回复 悄悄话 去这里:http://blog.wenxuecity.com/signin.php
然后好象是要选择你的博客的名字,设置等等。(不好意思,好久以前弄的,具体的都忘了。) 不是很难,但是文学城的这个博客不是特别 user-friendly。你先去试一下,有问题我们再协商 ;)。Good luck and good fun~
degree 回复 悄悄话 Wow, I saw you posted some new pictures and writings. I will read them now. I am not sure how to set up Bo Ke. If the instruction is easy, could you please share some tips with me? I hate to waste your time. I think the poet who wrote Dover Beach is something like Arnold... forgot his name. He is an English poet. More than 10 years ago, when I was in England, I visited Dover Beach. It is very beautiful, but the poem is pretty gloomy.
chic 回复 悄悄话 你再夸我,我就真该找不着北啦。:) 谢谢你常来“串门”- 知道有人看我的涂鸦我还是蛮洋洋得意的 - 心里乐开花那种 :D

你也建个博客吧,非常容易。象个scratch book一样,挺好玩的~

可惜还没读过 Dover Beach, 一会儿就去找来瞧瞧。
degree 回复 悄悄话 Hi Chic,

Now after a whole day's work, I found I have one thing to look forward to: checking if you've posted any new stuff on the web.

It is amazing you are so amazing and "daring" to rearrange e. e. cumming's poem. You have good taste for poetry as well as music. Have you read Dover Beach? That is another poem I like a lot.
chic 回复 悄悄话 To Degree: thanks so much for your nice words! I'm gonna tear-up... [xixi, either that or smile super smugly ;)]

And about "I carry your heart with me" - I actually took some liberty at "changing" e.e. cumming's poem - I got rid of some of his trademark "typography". I thought my re-arranged version brings out of the beauty of the rhythm even more. ; P (haha, but what do i know?)

sorry to hear about the CD - yeah, i've have a whole bunch of one-track CDs myself.

again, thanks for your eyeballs! cheerios~
degree 回复 悄悄话 I like the two poems you posted: One Art and I carry you in my heart. I like e e. cumming's poem. This is one of his best.
degree 回复 悄悄话 I got the CD with the song If it is not for you. I only like that song in the whole CD. I listen to it again and again each day and it is so romantic.
By the way I want to say that your English and Chinese are both so good.
I like the pictures you took from your window.
chic 回复 悄悄话 再好也比不上回家FB好。;)
nymph 回复 悄悄话 很不错的地方啊。工作好,玩好,:))