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Some of the books I loved

(2005-10-03 04:46:36) 下一个

These are the ones that I read after I came to this country.They are observant, empathetic at the same time not melancholy or condescending. They showed me a world that I would have never known existed.

To kill a mocking bird

This book makes me think that there is still pure goodness in this world. That I can still cherish hope. Powerful.

The curious incidence of dog at nighttime

This book centers around an autistic boy and it's written from the boy's perspective. Intriguing. It teaches me to see/approach the world differently (albeit autistically) from how I would have.

Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight : An African Childhood

The empathy in this book is overwhelming. It shows me how to keep spirits up in spite of the hardship.


I read adult books too but they rarely leave a mark on me. I think you need children's eyes to look at this world properly. To view things the way they are. Not how you think they should be. Or how you think other people expect you to.

Remember how you imagined the adult life would become? Well the adult life is dull at best. There's no fun in it. Often times it's choke full of miseries, greediness, lies and fraud. Books offer escapism.

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