
Living in the now. And the best is yet to come.
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The weather’s foul

(2005-10-08 19:29:12) 下一个

And I am sick.


I can’t tell whether I’m too hot or too cold. I don’t know if I’m full or hungry. I want to have a nice good long sleep but my hyper-active mind can’t rid itself of all the million thoughts a minute wandering.


I did manage to re-read a book by Agatha Cristie, “With the pricking of my thumb”. I wonder if her writing can be called literature or is it just purely genre stuff. Nonetheless I enjoy reading her books though I’m forever getting the sense that I have read every single book that she ever wrote but I can’t remember any one’s plot.


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chic 回复 悄悄话 多谢多谢,现在全好啦。:) 都是天气太怪惹得祸。
赫赫,我早过了看侦探小时睡不着觉得阶段了。唯一对付不了的是 Stephin King 的玩意儿,所以从来不看。:)
nymph 回复 悄悄话 好好睡一觉,多喝水,别胡思乱想。
又,看了她的书后,你能睡得着吗? :)

Take care.