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Recent Acquisitions

(2005-07-12 18:02:06) 下一个

Barnes & Nobles is currently having a summer clearance and I bought these:

Feasting the Heart: Fifty-Two Commentaries for the Air

Forever England: North and South (Carroll and Graf)

A Region Not Home: Reflections from Exile

Come Up and See Me Sometime

Limbo: A Memoir

Honeymoon in Purdah: An Iranian Journey

Gardens of Kyoto

Average price: $4.50 (free shipping) and these are all hardcover too! Such steals!

BTW, you CAN judge a book by its cover. And Paul Collins dedicated an entire chapter of his enchanting book "Sixpence House: Lost in a Town of Books" to the art of book naming and book covering. Paul Collins is a fine writer just in case you wonder, and his Sixpence House is most amusing!

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