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Shopaholic in the action

(2005-05-13 13:24:16) 下一个

I finally bought shoes today. All three pairs of them. : )

And instead of the nice-looking, comfortable-wearing everyday high heels I bought some fancy shmancies. Here they are ranking in terms of favoritism:

The first pair looks similar to this (color, height of heel) but simpler on the design & much more elegant (and made in Italy too).

This will go well with the pinkish section of my wardrobe

The pair I bought is actually in the color called British Tan. I might return it 'cause ... I don't really get a OMG-I-have-to-have-it vibe.

Final observation: you make money as if you are pulling a silk thread while you spend money as if you are releasing an avalanche. Oh well.

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nymph 回复 悄悄话 找不到图片,;) 其中一件衬衫和你楼下的那件挺象,不过是天蓝色。
chic 回复 悄悄话 goodie. what clothes did you buy? show & tell? : )
nymph 回复 悄悄话 你买鞋,我狂购衣服。周五晚上买进共8件。真正的血拼!