
Living in the now. And the best is yet to come.
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The way things are

(2005-05-21 17:23:16) 下一个

The way things are – pause for thought


Went to lunch (Thai food) with a friend yesterday. We tried to “lend” each one’s worldly perspective to the other but neither succeeded. For whatever it’s worth, here’s some of my random thought induced by what we talked over lunch.


  1. If I knew then what I know now, I probably should have done something to prevent today from happening.  However given what have already happened, what I’m doing now is correct.
  2. No one should try to change oneself for others. That’s futile. Instead, try to find an environment or people that not only accept the way we are but also appreciate the way we are. Such environment and people do exist. Though sometimes it takes time and efforts to locate. But it’s worthwhile to find them.
  3. There are min’s and max’s in one’s life. The important thing is to think long term. Local min’s shouldn’t block one’s envisioning of the global max.  Instead of dwelling on what-if’s of the past local min’s, work on improving oneself in preparation for the next local max.
  4. Life’s one way journey and the only acceptable way of traveling it is to go up. WAY up.
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