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Shouts & Murmurs

(2005-04-25 17:44:15) 下一个



Issue of 2005-05-02 New Yorker
Posted 2005-04-25

. . Combined with a partial improvement in the CPI (the BLS implementing its vastly superior chained-CPI, which would eliminate 30-40 basis points of the bias), these reforms will easily deal with the long-run solvency issues.
—The Republican economist Michael Boskin, writing in the Wall Street Journal.


Q: Is President Bush’s proposal to reform Social Security a good thing for older people?

A: Utterly. Deferred benefit indexation, when viewed through an actuarial matrix subliminator, shows a benefit-to-deficit ratio of .003, which is entirely within normal parameters. 


Q: What about younger folks?

A: Assetized over a B.L.S.-modified thermo-demographic time-horizon, no problemo.


Q: Then why is the President’s proposal encountering such resistance?

A: The Democrats are just trying to make it sound more complicated than it is. 


Q: Will it be necessary to raise the retirement age?

A: Looking at the out-year projections on a nonlinear, bi-sequential theta curve, no. Of course, you won’t hear the Democrats making that argument.


Q: What about these private accounts? Will people really have access to their own money?

A: There are two—well, three . . . no, four—ways of looking at it. Five, actually. But let’s focus on the first, fourth, and fifth. As recently as 1977, a B.L.T.—


Q: B.L.S., you mean? Bureau of Labor Statistics?

A: No, bacon, lettuce, and tomato. . . . Look, you have to view it through a monetarized Feldman prism. The old matrices are, let’s face it, out the window. If you go back to the nineteen-thirties, or even to the reign of Vercingetorix, the only way of proximizing was to extrapolate an entire ex-ante carve-out into an ex-post add-on. Hardly an elegant solution.


Q: The President’s opponents say that the private accounts are going to cost something like two trillion dollars. Is that true?

A: It depends on how you view “two trillion dollars.” If you look at it as a concept, it’s just a number on paper. But if you look at two trillion as a stack of one-dollar bills that would reach to Pluto and back, sure, it’s a lot of money. So is three trillion. So is four trillion. So is a googol-zillion katrillion umptillion. And why stop there? It’s a spurious argument on its face. I spit on it.


Q: The President’s plan is predicated on the stock market’s returning 6.5 per cent. Isn’t that, historically speaking, unrealistic?

A: Only if you’re still calculating with a slide rule. The out-year S. & P. projectivization is acceptably maximizable to within a six-to-eight-per-cent range, as long as you keep changing the oil and occasionally sacrifice a few peacocks and white bullocks to the god Amen-Ra. There’s simply no reason not to assume that the U.S. economy will enjoy unprecedented growth until the year 2525. But, for political reasons, the Democrats insist that we’re in for plagues of frogs and boils and an S. & P. index of ten times earnings. I mean, come on. You wonder how they can keep a straight face while making these pronouncements.


 Q: Is Social Security reform affected by the fact that the national debt is skyrocketing, or that the dollar is plunging, or that the President’s Medicare drug-entitlement program will be nearly twice as costly as he said?

A: As a percentage of G.D.P., the deficit is actually lower than it was in 1066 A.D. As for the dollar, it’ll still buy you a cheeseburger. And if the Bank of Korea doesn’t want to go on subsidizing our life style, to hell with them. Lay a two-hundred-per-cent tariff on Samsung products, pull our troops out, and let them deal with that nut-case hair ball across the border. Medicare-wise, O.K., it’s going to cost $720 billion instead of $400 billion. So someone screwed up. Do you ever screw up? What are you, perfect? I’m telling you, Social Security reform is a slam dunk. Why is everyone suddenly so, like, obtuse?


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