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联邦上诉法院在审查对1 月 6 日案件中,裁定前总统唐纳德·特朗普不享有总统豁免权。并表示,他的豁免权主张违被了法律“对行政权力最基本的检查” (the most fundamental check on executive power)。
联邦上诉法院法官共识,“我们不能接受前总统特朗普的说法,即总统拥有无限的权力实施犯罪,这将抵消对行政权力最基本的制约——选举结果的承认和执行。我们也不能批准他的明显论点,即行政部门拥有全权委托权。 侵犯了公民个人的投票权和投票的记数。” 此外,他们还表示,特朗普的立场“将使总统超出所有三个部门的管辖范围,从而瓦解我们的分权体系”。 他们说:“总统对联邦起诉的豁免权意味着,对于总统而言,国会无法立法,行政部门无法起诉,司法部门无法审查。”
("We cannot accept former President Trump’s claim that a President has unbounded authority to commit crimes that would neutralize the most fundamental check on executive power — the recognition and implementation of election results. Nor can we sanction his apparent contention that the Executive has carte blanche to violate the rights of individual citizens to vote and to have their votes count." )