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川普的声称是如此的赤裸,这只能说明川普在 Jan. 6 国会暴乱事件上,一定有不可推卸的责任!当然得让事实说话,不提交他隐藏得文本,民众何以得知真像?
从川普阻扰其税务文件,这或多或少还属民事范畴;但 Jan. 6 国会调查委员会索取的文件,已经属于犯罪范畴,这包括那些已经收监,或已经审理且处以刑期的暴乱直接参与者。如果不把川普煽动暴乱的恶行公众于市,对被煽动而成为暴民且被定罪的暴徒,的确是不公平的。
In a new court filing, Trump has asked the D.C. Court of Appeals for “a brief pause in the production” of those documents. The filing argues that the former president
“will suffer irreparable injury” if the documents are released.
To further explain Biden’s decision not to help Trump keep his records secret, White House counsel Dana Remus wrote that the documents could “shed light on events within the White House on and about January 6 and bear on the Select Committee’s need to understand the facts underlying the most serious attack on the operations of the Federal Government since the Civil War.”