Life For Rent

I haven't ever really found a place that I call home I never stick around quite long enough to make it


(2005-05-25 20:03:14) 下一个
在雨中想起你的身影 突然那么悲伤那么疯狂 刹那间往事涌上心头 时光飞逝掉进了回忆 有一次一起在宿舍看电影 那个故事感人肺腑 还记得你洋溢着笑容 在黑暗中我们紧紧相拥 在这场淅沥沥哗啦啦纷纷扬的雨中 我们还能不能像从前那样紧紧相拥 在一切甜蜜的疯狂的都远去的今天 我们还能不能像昨天那样拥抱在雨中 在雨中想起你的模样 感觉那么温暖那么哀伤 刹那间你似乎就在眼前 一切好像回到了从前 很多次一起走在雨中 那个情景浪漫如梦 还记得你总是靠着我肩膀 在雨中我们紧紧相拥
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oldjj 回复 悄悄话 Hi,

I read all your article. It is so touching and I felt your pain...

I am much older than you. I suffered pain from love. Love make me lost myself, It is only becasue I love him too much. I thougth I found my true love when I am in late 30. It is endless pain and I could not forget him. I don't know what to do. I am too embarred to talk about it publicly. For my age, my self esteen. But I am so much pain...

I wish you get out the pain and find your true love.
