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在美国行医之道 (网友讨论)

(2008-06-10 19:52:43) 下一个
在美国行医之道 (网友讨论)
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在美国行医之道 (网友讨论)

发信人: canberry (coco), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: 问中国人在医疗界从医之道。
发信站: BBS (Tue Jun 3 20:45:51 2008)




I really don\\\'t know how to make friends with Americans. The reason
I want to do that is I think studying in a group in which people are willing
to help each other will make study life easy.
Actually, now I am not confident that I am able to study well by myself.
I never thought I would enroll in their group. I just workhard under the
table. At first, I couldn\\\'t understant what they were talking about, I just
listened and kept smile on my face. When I graduated from my program, I
was the ...., well not the best one, but at least the second one. And, I
still have my classmates as \\friends\\. Don\\\'t worry too much, just do
whatever you can do. Study hard when you go home. You will be fine.
Actually, I think you just think they are 怀疑:这么不地道的英文,能做临床吗
,能取得病人和同行的信任吗? You will be fine. My coworks always thought I
was so smart that I could use two languages so well. They said they can
never use Chinese as well as I use English.

Good luck.

※ 来源:•WWW 海外: .com 中国: .cn•[FROM: 75.183.]
发信人: yf (麦地fanfan), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: 问中国人在医疗界从医之道。
发信站: BBS (Wed Jun 4 10:28:02 2008)


发信人: fogsail (pathguy), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: 问中国人在医疗界从医之道。
发信站: BBS (Wed Jun 4 13:33:50 2008)

dont expect to make friends the same ways as in China ... even when u have
some, American friends are very different from your chinese friends ... not
that one is better or worse than the other, they are just very different,
considering what you expect them to do for u and what u should do for them .
.. it takes years for you to learn the differences and knows how to copy
with them ... there is no book/advice/guildline for that, it is not a
medical procedure :) ..... you just have to be patient, be quiet, observe,
listen, dont rash to make friends et al ... things will work out evenually .
.. good luck!

发信人: cancidas (michael knight), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: 问中国人在医疗界从医之道。
发信站: BBS (Wed Jun 4 20:00:32 2008)

医学英语和普通英语是完全两种语言. 我以前的写作老师嘲笑我们pre-med, 说你们学
想练好口语只有一个办法, 脱离中国人的圈子.
慢慢来吧. 推荐你看friends. 如果你能倒背里面的台词, 听说就基本解决了. 如果需要脚本可以pm我,我email给你.
※ 修改:•cancidas 於 Jun 4 20:02:33 2008 修改本文•[FROM: 24.186.]
发信人: scrub2008 (jobsmac), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: 问中国人在医疗界从医之道。
发信站: BBS (Wed Jun 4 20:30:18 2008)


※ 来源:•WWW 海外: .com 中国: .cn•[FROM: 67.173.]

发信人: canberry (coco), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: 问中国人在医疗界从医之道。
发信站: BBS (Wed Jun 4 22:54:55 2008)

I am wondering if you guys come across someone (either health care providers
or patients) in your practice or study who does not trust you or respect
you, just because of your English or your are a foreigner, how do you react
? Never talk them anymore or treat them as others?


※ 来源:•WWW 海外: .com 中国: .cn•[FROM: 75.183.]

发信人: ericusa (eric), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: 问中国人在医疗界从医之道。
发信站: BBS (Wed Jun 4 23:04:08 2008)

This is common and understandable, just act as a professional. If you work
hard and prove your ability, you\\\'ll gain respect from others.

发信人: WHATEVER4 (静静的麦穗), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: 问中国人在医疗界从医之道。
发信站: BBS (Wed Jun 4 23:04:24 2008)

PA=Physician assistant or PA=Pathology assistant?

When I visited my Dr. there were lots nurses talking spanishy English. Don\\\'
t worry, Cranberry MM, relax, you will be fine. Or, you can attend some
class for english as second launguage to improve your spoken english. I
know some liberaries have such program.

发信人: ericusa (eric), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: 问中国人在医疗界从医之道。
发信站: BBS (Wed Jun 4 23:12:02 2008)

Practice, practice. Kaplan lecture videos are very good, the teachers are
Americans not foreigner TAs. :)

发信人: pbusmle (GL2008), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: 问中国人在医疗界从医之道。
发信站: BBS (Thu Jun 5 00:04:03 2008)

Practice makes prefect. Put time and efforts. So glad that you put this
topic. Like above discussion.

发信人: inthemood (两只眼睛四条腿), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: 问中国人在医疗界从医之道。
发信站: BBS (Sat Jun 7 20:32:56 2008)

I fully understand Canberry. I am struggling in my DPT program now,
especially this summer, 13 credit hours in 10 weeks. Canberry, you are not
the only one.

Ericusa, is it possible that you share the inxxxxation about Kaplan lecture
videos with me? Thanks in advance!


发信人: sixtyfour (never forget), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: Re: 问中国人在医疗界从医之道。
发信站: BBS (Sat Jun 7 20:43:28 2008)

find a boy friend whose English is first language. just kidding. find some
native speaker as friends and talk as much as you can, hang out to bars,
resturants etc. it will be embarassing as first,cause they may not fully
understand you. but they will understand this is your second language, and
you will be surprised to find out how fast you can improve. Americans are
just just regular people, they don\\\'t know 2 languges. one of the joke my old
department chief used to tell is if you speak 3 language, it is called
trilingual, if 2, biligual, what is called when you speak only one?

some of my collegues make fun of my accent, I just told them, let me hear
you speak some Chinese with perfect tune.

I think for a language, the goal is to let people to understand you, that is
very important. because in medical profession, communication is very very
important, it will hinder your career if you can\\\'t do that. but if you just
have an accent, and people can perfectly know what you are talking about, I
think that is fine. some people even think foreign accent is sexy. I am

some scrub nurses in the OR make fun of my accent when I ask for instrument,
they just joking, and I laugh. they said we like you so we mass with you. I
make funs of them in other areas too. we all veiw it quite normal as have
an accent, so what. people still respect you if you are good. you can speak
perfect English and do a xxxxty job, or being lazy, no one going to like you。

I think for the begining, the key is to speak slowly and clearly, if you can
talk to your attending over the phone and he can understand you perfectly,
you will be fine then.


发信人: againstwind (逆风而行), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: Re: 问中国人在医疗界从医之道。
发信站: BBS (Sat Jun 7 23:53:45 2008)

释了半天都没用。我最后明确地说,除非是有指征,我是不会随便order test的。他愣
我说,i believe you understand me just fine. I WILL NOT ORDER ANY
然后我就走出了病房。当然心情是很差的。sometimes it\\\'s easier to believe the
bad things. 后来我的attending跟我说,don\\\'t let him get to you, that\\\'s
exactly what he wants.

说这件事情的原因,是想让同学们明白,只要你努力工作,know what you are
talking about,明白道理的病人都会appreciate你的工作,而不会介意你的口音。那些
尽我们的本分做好工作,然后wish them the best,呵呵。

会解释,we are just teasing you,make sure我没有生气。

要急躁,make sure你表达清楚,因为在给医嘱的时候,你的面子远远没有病人的安危

发信人: sunshadow (影子,MD Fan), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: Re: 问中国人在医疗界从医之道。
发信站: BBS (Sun Jun 8 00:16:54 2008)

懂~~~我只能讪讪的躲到旁边放sheets的那些小房间里面去~~~ 一个人躲在很小的一个
角落里面看着墙~~那个时候周围我谁都不认识~ 也没有人跟我说话~也没有人理我~然后
好意思我是新来的我没听明白请你再说一遍谢谢~~~ 我一直记得那个病人当时惊讶的表

发信人: guidewire (guidewire), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: Re: 问中国人在医疗界从医之道。
发信站: BBS (Sun Jun 8 00:31:32 2008)

I can feel you pain. initially when I saw patient, I was nervous, I was
afraid what if they could not understand me. but later I found out who is
actually nervous? it is the patient, because in the middle of night in the
ER, you are the only surgeon in the hospital, she really wants to know what
is going on about her. for young patient they have no problem to understand
me at all. but the 90 year old with hard of hearing, when I have to yell
near her ear, I saw she was trying to moving her lips to repeat my words to
understand me. then I just try to go slow, and repeat if I have too. some
times my medical student or resident have to translate my word to the old

发信人: againstwind (逆风而行), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: Re: 问中国人在医疗界从医之道。
发信站: BBS (Sun Jun 8 00:31:39 2008)

i was really burned out by the end of last month, patients came and died,
one of them was only 27 year old with chron\\\'s disease, end up with multiple
perforation and sepsist. it was aweful to talk to her parents, i cried after
we lost her.

oh well, life goes on, sometimes i think i should do a rotation in ob, just
delivering new borns, to balance my depressed mood. hehe.

发信人: guidewire (guidewire), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: Re: 问中国人在医疗界从医之道。
发信站: BBS (Sun Jun 8 00:39:52 2008)

I just lost a patient couple of days ago, aortoenteric fistula, very
complicated case. we tried to delay operate on him because we know if we go
in, he will die. but at that time he was eating talking, so family does not
want to give up. my pager went off 3 am, my intern told me he is bleeding.
we went to OR, 6 hour case, lukily able to get off OR, but he died 2 days
later. altough it is expected. I just keep thinking about of him, he was
sitting in the ICU talking to us, and there was a bomb in his body tickling
and we can not do anything about it. So I can\\\'t do critical care. I can\\\'t
tolerate facing death every day, once a while maybe ok, not on daily basis.

very complicated case, had endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm,
had bleeding from the graft, needs emergent surgery, they went in could not
get the endo graft out due to the fixing device, so they cut the graft and
suture the new graft to the endo graft. patient survived that surgery, have
good qulity of life for many years. now came back for aortoenteric fistular,
we know we had to take the who thing out, they could not do it last time,
we know it would be even harder this time. so we drag our feet on this,
knowing he would die with a trip to OR. I just did not think he bleed so

you got to do what you got to do. like you said, life has to move on. we
often feel helpless with our limitations, we do as much as we can, but still
, many time we can\\\'t make a difference. I feel bad, but I don\\\'t blame my
self for that, cause we did our best already. if there is something we did
not do right, that is going to feel really really bad. I can still remember
the patient I lost back in China, if I had the knowledge I have now, she
would not die. it come to haunt me time to time.

发信人: againstwind (逆风而行), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: Re: 问中国人在医疗界从医之道。
发信站: BBS (Sun Jun 8 00:58:33 2008)

yeah, it\\\'s hard, esp when pt looks great, it would so awkward to ask them to
change to no code, no surgery. but then, everything is too late.well, he
appreciated you did your job.

我前天收了一个贫血的老年女病人,一个亲人都没有,查出来时colon cancer,手术前
也没有家人送她,我陪着她一直到手术室门口,她说please tell me i will wake up
and see you again, 我说,you will。但是她现在在ICU了。

发信人: guidewire (guidewire), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: Re: 问中国人在医疗界从医之道。
发信站: BBS (Sun Jun 8 01:36:56 2008)

I only have several days to graduate, kind of semi-retired now. so have time
for 灌水。

let me talk about one case in my graveyard.

when I was a first year resident in China, we had a lady hit by car. she
went to ER and the ER did CRX found she had rib Fx, and called CT surgery,
the guy on call happened to be 进修 doctor, he just admited the patient in
throacic floor for pain controll. after 8 hours, patient got unstable, low
BP etc. general surgery got called. we did abdominal tap, there was blood,
so took her to OR。

there was bleedin in the liver, we called our chief of surgery in and fixed
the bleeding, send the patient back. I was in charge of her.what a pitty, I
knew nothing about shock resussication, neither my attending and chief know,
they just told me, call me if there is any thing and left. In my little
mind, I though we stoped bleeding, patient should do fine. after 2 hours,
patient started criush, I was totally astoned, cause I did not have a clue
why this happened. I did chest compression for more than 1 hour, don\\\'t want
to stop, cause I think she should not die, does not deserve this. until my
department chief came out and stopped me.

then I started to read by myself, there is such thing as shock
resscucitation in the text book, but was couple of pages, most people ignore
that. I read a lot of articles and books stuff, though I knew something
about it. then I started my residency here, I just feel how much difference
in training, that is all intern\\\'s knowledge, back in China, the chief of
surgery has no idea, we could save that lady\\\'s life easily if things were
done correctly. this thing will never happen here.

the scary thing is, when I went back to China this Jan, visited my friend
who is somewhat cow in his field. I found out he has no idea about that too.
He asked me to teach his resident about one patient they managed totaly
wrong, several time, seeing them have no idea of what I was talking about, I
almost loss controll. they are lucky they don\\\'t work for me. how can be
called a doctor without knowning those basic knowledge? this case keep
haunts me from time to time, remind me how important it is to be a good
doctor, if you suck, patient die.

the lesson I learn is try to equip yourself as much medical knowledge as you
can. your patient is totally relay on you, put his life in your hand, if
you are not prepared, you failed their trust, and it is the patient who will
pay the price.

the other thing is I see the drastic difference in 2 medical systems. and
hope if there is some day, China can better training for its doctors. I know
this is not the only case that patient die when she did not have to, this
is happening every day, unfortunatly。

发信人: benpu (麦地大奔), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: Re: 问中国人在医疗界从医之道。
发信站: BBS (Sun Jun 8 02:10:20 2008)

cannot agree more. I think although Chinese Medical system has quite weak
link on training/education, but the weakest one is the ethics. without this,
a good health care system is just mission impossible.

I am not stating here that US docs are all like Saint, but you have to obey
the ethics rule, for the best interest of the patient, and for the
protection of yourself, otherwise the price is to high to pay.

Professionalism is still long way to go in China. So, I do think J-visa is
the right and quickest way to go.

【 在 guidewire (guidewire) 的大作中提到: 】
: the lesson I learn is try to equip yourself as much medical knowledge as
: can. your patient is totally relay on you, put his life in your hand, if
: you are not prepared, you failed their trust, and it is the patient who
: pay the price.

发信人: guidewire (guidewire), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: Re: Re: 问中国人在医疗界从医之道。
发信站: BBS (Sun Jun 8 02:13:26 2008)

one day when I was rotating in Ortho, we got call from general surgery for a
consult. patient had femur fracture. It was my very first roatation as a
brand new intern, I was just out of med school for 2 weeks. I followed my
chief resident to see this guy, very young, in his 20s.

we put splint on that young man and left, patient still in general surgery\\\'s
service because he need something done in his belly. couple daily later we
got called by general surgery\\\'s service, said patient\\\' leg is black. we went
back, found out the splint got tight overnight due to edema, they call the
general surgery resident who was on call because he is his patient, and
patient had pain, guess what patient got? pain meds. instead of relieve the
splint. so the patient suffered from external compartment syndrome for
several days and his who leg dead. he could not accept in fact, firmly
refused amputation, because his family depends on him to do all the work.

I finished my rotation and don\\\'t know what finally happened to that poor
young man.

this can happen anywhere though. I had a senior resident could not recognize
compartment syndrom, and told me that patient had hand ischemia due to
vascular insufficieny, so when we did our morning round, I look at her hand
and arm, that is so typical compartment syndrome, I was so mad, patient went
to surgery immediatly but was too late, she lost her hand.

发信人: againstwind (逆风而行), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: Re: Re: 问中国人在医疗界从医之道。
发信站: BBS (Sun Jun 8 02:29:18 2008)

oh my goodness, this is bad. i understand the intern\\\'s pain, so many
crosscover calls, most are minor things, but one of them might be a real
issue, which might be the one haunting your whole life.

last year, one of my patients was admitted for PE. she was started on
heparin. at night she kept complaining of headache, how many calls we got
overnight for headache? tylenol is the answer, most time. so the on call
intern gave her tylenol.

unfortunately, when i rounded pt in early morning, she was confused, her
pupils were unequal, and her stat head CT showed large intracranial
hemorrhage. she died during surgery.

when pt on anticoagulation complaining of headache, always make sure she/he
is not bleeding in the head.

发信人: guidewire (guidewire), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: Re: Re: 问中国人在医疗界从医之道。
发信站: BBS (Sun Jun 8 02:34:17 2008)

my attending like to say that a good system makes you harder to make
mistakes than do the right thing. I think medical error alway occur, but a
good system make it down to minimum. and doctor\\\'s consciencious compensate
the rest.

发信人: againstwind (逆风而行), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: Re: Re: 问中国人在医疗界从医之道。
发信站: BBS (Sun Jun 8 02:41:51 2008)

medical errors will always exist, it takes a lot of effort to force
ourselves to take that extra step to make sure things not going wrong,
unfortantely, we are all human beings...

发信人: guidewire (guidewire), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: Re: Re: 问中国人在医疗界从医之道。
发信站: BBS (Sun Jun 8 02:47:33 2008)

this is so true. I was moonlighting as an attending couple of days ago, we
had two trauma came at the same time one is intubated with his one leg
almost fall off. and the nurse could not give me his blood pressure, there
was something wrong with the cuff though. and they were so slow to fix that,
I know if that patient die, it is my ass on the line. I just hold my breath
and spoke as calm as I can, told the nurse, I don\\\'t care what happened, I
need a blood pressure reading now! there are around 30 people in the trauma
bay, they just like 看热闹 to me, because I knew I had to be responsible to
all those.

we do our best, we learn from our or other\\\'s mistakes, and move on. I will
blame myself if I did not do my best, if I did, then I just learn and go to
next step.

【 在 againstwind (逆风而行) 的大作中提到: 】
: 我觉得外科可能责任更大,转瞬间都有区别,所以你们这些人火气都很大。。。
每次run code,我知道那时候大家最希望看到的,就是一个镇定的医生,只好强作镇定
。曾经有另外一个resident跟我说,i will trade everything for your calmness,我

发信人: guidewire (guidewire), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: Re: Re: 问中国人在医疗界从医之道。
发信站: BBS (Sun Jun 8 03:05:02 2008)

one day I was doing moring rounds, that was couple of years ago, I looked at
my list and went in patient\\\'s room, asked Mr. Smith? my name is Dr. so and
so, the patient was demented and he said hello, and he was a new patient and
had ischemia leg according to the list, so I just went ahead check his foot
, and guess what, he did not have a foot, he had an amputation, I thought
myself, what the heck, when did they cut his foot off ? and later found out
the resident oncall that night did not update the list, our patient with leg
ischemia moved to another room and the patient with amputation is actually
not our patient. but because he is demented, he answered to me by calling
someone else\\\'s name. he probably say hey if I call him president Bush.

发信人: againstwind (逆风而行), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: Re: Re: 问中国人在医疗界从医之道。
发信站: BBS (Sun Jun 8 03:08:42 2008)

i always like the cute demented pt, they are just so cute, looking at me
with smile, all innoncent,whatever you aksed them, they\\\'ll say yes mam。

发信人: sunshadow (影子,MD Fan), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: Re: Re: 问中国人在医疗界从医之道。
发信站: BBS (Sun Jun 8 03:10:13 2008)

原来要用demented啊~~~ 我每次都直接问医生~那个那个几号病人是不是CRAZ
那天看到一个很明显有智商问题的~ 看完了我问医生~俄~~~那个人是不是~~~
俄~~~RETARDED~~~然后医生说~~~ you are absolutely right. but we don\\\'t
use that word any more. its not a nice word....
住嘴巴乐。。。。 我说得比想得还要快。。。
然后那个医生慢悠悠的跟我说 we should say: she has some social disability~


发信人: guidewire (guidewire), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: Re: Re: 问中国人在医疗界从医之道。
发信站: BBS (Sun Jun 8 03:14:08 2008)

let me tell you a story, 1 year ago, I was on call at night, a post op
patient crushed on the floor, need intubation, I looked at her airway, it is
a very difficult one. being corky as you can imagine as a sinior surgical
resident, I refuse to call anasthesia or ER attending, and figure I can do
it myself. when we paralysed the patient, I found out it is much harder than
I thought. first time I tube the esophague, I told myself F*** me, she is
going to die of my stupid ego, lukily, the second time I was able to make in
the trachea. when they hook her up the ventilator, I started to have
stomachachs, it was so intense that I could not stand up. I kown how much
catecholamines was in my body, made my stomach become ishemic. took me
couple of days to fully recoer. talking about stress ulcers? I have first
hand experince.

I like old patient. I had a patient,every time I change dressing, he told me
a joke, even before he went to OR, in the pre op area, he told jokes to the
nurses. sometimes his joke is too complicated, like involve sports, old
movie stars etc. I could not understant, I prentend I did, but I can see he
feels bad and try to make up for another one。

from that I learned I am not going to risk my patient again. hi, I am not an
anasthesiologist, not ER doc, I am not even going to Trauma, if it is easy
intubation, I will definitly handle that, but for a hard one, I will leave
it to the expert. my ego means nothing infront of patient\\\'s life.

发信人: againstwind (逆风而行), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: Re: Re: 问中国人在医疗界从医之道。
发信站: BBS (Sun Jun 8 03:19:53 2008)

i still not good at intubation, now getting to third year in one month, i am
still nervous about it... shame on me.

once we had a code at hospital parking lot, a pt AMA end up having AMI, that
\\\'s most aweful code i have ever had, i almost vomitted after i fnished the
code due to the stress, luckily the pt made it.

yeah, ego can kill people, most physicians have huge ego since they made so
far. it\\\'s hard to admit we all need help at some point.

发信人: guidewire (guidewire), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: Re: 问中国人在医疗界从医之道。
发信站: BBS (Sun Jun 8 11:07:41 2008)

what should I do now?

depends where I am. If here in the US, that is impossible to happen. because
that patient will definitly be a trauma alert, according to ATLS, she will
get her belly scan fairlly quickly. for liver lac, she may not need go to OR
now days, may be conservative or a trip to IR, she will be in hospital for
several days for sure, then PT/OT all that good stuff, I would say go home
average in 1 week. one thing for sure is she will not die

what if I am in China, as far as I know, ATLS idea was not a popular idea
yet, there is too much things beyond one doctors control. like this case, if
they don\\\'t have a trauma surgeon, patient just admitted to CT surgery with
pain meds for 8 hours. finally you may not save her cause is too late. but
even that, if I had knowledge that time, I would give her fluid, 20 ml/kg,
then blood, the first moment I see her, and check cbc, ABG, base deficit,
lactic acid level, etc. try to correct her shock before unreversible. she
may still have a chance.

【 在 againstwind (逆风而行) 的大作中提到: 】
: 恩,我在国内做住院医生,也是一点急救观念都没有的,那样的CPR,其实现在看来,
: 一点意义都没有的。
: 等我找一篇以前写得文章。
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